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Christchurch City Scene
June 2002

Lead Stories

Healthy heart, healthy future

Lichfield/Tuam swap project

Mayoral Forum format the way forward

Healthy Christchurch initiative under way

Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater


Housing survey indicates over-all satisfaction

Preliminary results of the recent survey of Christchurch City Council housing tenants indicate that most (90%) rate their housing complex and the unit they live in as either satisfactory, very good or excellent.

One thousand, three hundred and thirty six City Housing tenants (50% of total), from all 113 housing complexes were interviewed early this year. The purpose was to find out how satisfied City Housing tenants are, and identify ways in which the City Council can improve the housing and housing services it provides. Preliminary results of the survey indicate that:

  • The main aspects that tenants liked about their housing complex were its convenient location, friendly neighbours and pleasant location.
  • When asked what aspects tenants disliked about their housing complex, 31% of respondents said there was nothing they disliked. 18% of respondents said that they disliked neighbours who were noisy or inconsiderate, and 17% said that the gardens needed more attention.
  • When asked to rate their complex overall, 93% of respondents said that it was either satisfactory, very good or excellent.
  • When asked to rate their individual unit overall, 94% of respondents said that it was either satisfactory, very good or excellent.

Carole Anderton, City Councillor and Chair of the Housing Subcommittee, said that the results of the survey would provide very useful information for Councillors making decisions relating to housing.

“Christchurch City Council is strongly committed to providing appropriate housing for its tenants, and continuing to make improvements for them where practicable.

“The survey results are a good reference for us (Councillors), and will help to inform our decision making processes relating to City Housing,” says Cr Anderton.

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