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Christchurch City Scene
June 2002

Lead Stories

Healthy heart, healthy future

Lichfield/Tuam swap project

Mayoral Forum format the way forward

Healthy Christchurch initiative under way

Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater


Cladding checks needed

The City Council is advising owners of homes constructed with seemingly “permanent” building materials and cladding systems, to check them for any maintenance issues before winter arrives. Tim Weight, of the City Council’s Compliance Inspection team says homeowners may be unaware of ongoing maintenance requirements.

Mr Weight says any damaged areas, such as cracks or sealant details in cladding, could allow water to penetrate and should be inspected and repaired if necessary to ensure the building remains watertight. Regular inspection and maintenance of cladding surfaces will help homeowners protect their investment. Anybody with questions about maintenance of building materials should contact their builder.

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