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Christchurch City Scene
June 2002

Lead Stories

Healthy heart, healthy future

Lichfield/Tuam swap project

Mayoral Forum format the way forward

Healthy Christchurch initiative under way

Time to be taken to decide next step for wastewater


City youth voice to be amplified

Finding ways of giving the city’s young people a more representative and effective voice is behind a City Council decision to look at restructuring its long-standing Youth Council system.

At its 23 May meeting, the Council decided to look at reallocating the money and staff time it puts into the Youth Council. The aim is to strengthen the many other ways it engages with the city’s young people.

Among the structures which may be expanded are organising more regular roundtable discussions and forums to give city youth a voice in Council decision-making and building an information system which would match young people’s interests with participation opportunities in Christchurch.

Discussions will also be held with the city’s young people and youth advocacy groups about possible changes.

“As well as the youth councillors there’s another 70,000 young people out there in our city,” said Community and Leisure Committee chairman Graham Condon at the May Council meeting.

“With these new ideas we want this to be better, not smaller. We want system where all the youth of Christchurch can be involved.”

Councillor Megan Evans, chairperson of the Children and Youth Subcommittee, said the proposal is to expand youth participation in Council and Community Board business in the future.

It would mean that a larger cross section of the city’s young people would be heard and be able to enhance, inspire and direct” the efforts of local government in the city, she said.

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