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Christchurch City Scene
November-December 2001

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Your City - the best run city in the world

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Heritage Park proposed for valley

From Your Mayor

Questions and answers about Kerbside Recycling

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What makes Christchurch unique?

Mike Richardson
Mike Richardson
City Manager Mike Richardson discusses what it is that, through overseas eyes, makes Christchurch look well managed.

“First is the city itself,” says Mr Richardson. “We do not have the outstanding attractions that draw visitors to some international tourist destinations: we do not have a Sydney Harbour or a Waikiki Beach, medieval buildings or a Disneyland. Nonetheless I doubt anyone visits Christchurch from overseas without forming the impression that Christchurch is a very “liveable” city. A good place to bring up kids. An easy place to get around. Surprisingly good facilities for a city of its size. And then that wonderful access to the great outdoors. Speaking as an immigrant from the UK I would have to say that Christchurch as a place to live is one of the world’s great undiscovered secrets.

Secondly, visitors to the Council tend to focus on three things, which they think we have done well. First is the extent to which we plan what we do the way a business would. Our budgeting processes are detailed so that although our total budget is $240 million, Council can and will dive down into the detail of specific programmes, which may cost $5,000 or $10,000. People can disagree over whether a particular programme is worthwhile but at least they are clear what they are disagreeing about!

Second, the Council’s strategy of retaining trading companies, ensuring that they have good boards of directors and then reaping the benefits of the financial returns which they have generated, is seen by visitors as a wise strategy, smartly implemented.

Third is the quality of people and relationships. Understandably much reporting of Council business focuses on disagreements which may arise at the Council table. This is fair enough as the resolution of different points of view is at the heart of any political process. Ninety-nine per cent of activity at the City Council, however, is focused around staff and staff and elected members working closely together with high levels of trust and confidence to consistently deliver good services. That is why 92 per cent of people in the city are satisfied with Christchurch as a place to live, work and spend time.

Are mistakes ever made? Of course they are, but every day 320,000 citizens drink water, flush their toilets, use the roads, enjoy the parks, visit the libraries, have a swim, attend an event or enjoy a myriad of other activities provided by the Council. A very wide range of services, very accountable to the public, and for most households the cost of all this is less than their telephone bills!”

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