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November-December 2001

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Heritage Park proposed for valley

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Southern motorway to link central Christchurch and State Highway One

Preliminary planning and design for a new $70 million Southern Motorway that will link central Christchurch and State Highway One, west of Hornby, are being carried out by Transit New Zealand.

As this is a major roading proposal Transit wants public views and feedback. It has started a public consultation process that involves the release of a special consultation booklet.

The overall length of the motorway project will be 10.5km and it will involve the duplication of the existing arterial road between Barrington Street and Curletts Road, the extension of the motorway corridor south of Wigram Airfield and Hornby to connect with Halswell Junction Road at Springs Road.

Also, Halswell Junction Road will be upgraded to provide an arterial link between the motorway extension and Main South Road.

The project will also require the upgrading of several intersections, including Barrington Street, Curletts Road, Dunbars Road-Awatea Road, Springs Road-Wilmers Road-Halswell Junction Road, Shands Road-Halswell Junction Road and Main South Road-Halswell Junction Road. A new intersection may also be needed at an extension of Nash Road.

Several of these interchanges could include new bridges to accommodate the motorway, especially at the Barrington Street and Curletts Road intersections.

The Southern Motorway route has been identified within successive City Plans for about 30 years.

This forward planning recognised rapid traffic growth on existing roads and the potential for substantial industrial and residential growth in south-east Christchurch, which would generate further increases in traffic volumes.

The consultation booklets are available from both Transit and Opus International Consultants and the closing date for feedback or comment is Friday 7 December. A feedback form is provided in the booklet.

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