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November-December 2001

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Close to Home: Study awards to young residents

David Close
David Close
David Close retired in October 2001 after 23 years as a City Councillor.

As a lasting recognition of his enormous contribution to the city, the Council has established three awards to provide financial assistance to young people for study at tertiary level.

All young residents who have gained entry into one of our three institutions, Canterbury University, Lincoln University and Christchurch Polytech Institute of Technology, are eligible. One award will be granted each year for each institution and is particularly targeted at those who have the ability but not the means to seek higher education. The awards will pay for study for up to four years in a subject which is relevant to a career in local government. In addition to “traditional” subjects such as engineering, resource management and librarianship, there is a wide range of possible options around courses as diverse as recreation, social sciences, computer science, information management and horticulture.

Christchurch City Council recognises the importance of assisting our young people into work and wherever possible award recipients will be offered holiday work and a job at the Council when their studies are complete.

David Close is considered a pre-eminent example of public service and excellence. With this in mind the Council instigated the Christchurch City David Close Awards — effectively a form of cadetship to provide a launch pad for a career in public service.

David Close will be one of a small selection group who will decide on the award recipients each year. For more information about the awards contact the Scholarships Officer at any of the institutions involved.

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