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Christchurch City Scene
May 2001

Two events get thumbs up

A successful garden gala for older adults was held recently at Riccarton House.
"Garden Gala" and "GLOBE" were two events for the community, they both received a 100 per cent approval rating and could well be repeated.

Garden Gala event for older adults was staged in March and featured more than 10 local groups promoting their activities. The event offered the chance to try new activities and to learn more about groups and activities available in the area.

An estimated 400 older adults attended and as it was staged at Riccarton House the opportunity was taken to promote one of Christchurch's historic buildings.

Activities, demonstrations and stalls were held and Neville Barrie provided entertainment.

The Kay-Hallissey Irish Dancers performed for nearly 30 minutes and the dancers were most appropriate, as the next day was St Patrick's Day.

Throughout the day tea and scones were available inside the house or from a marquee in the grounds.

The Riccarton-Wigram Community Board and the City Council's Leisure Unit provided funding for the event.

Questionnaires were handed out at the event and the feedback showed the board that those who responded thought it should be repeated although many respondents thought that more stalls should be included.

Questionnaires were also sent to community groups involved and they responded that they would take part again and that there should be more stalls.

The event provided older adults with a sense of belonging and pride in their community and gave them a chance to try many activities available in their locality.

GLOBE Festival
Another board event that brought residents together was "GLOBE" — a multi-cultural event at Ray Blank Park in March.

More than 2000 people attended and the event was well received.

It was managed by the City Council's Leisure Unit and funding was a partnership between the Riccarton-Wigram and Fentalton-Waimairi community boards.

GLOBE presented cultural performances and demonstrations by a dozen groups with eight providing general entertainment.

There were also stalls with ethnic food, demonstrations and information. People who responded to questionnaires said they would attend again and said that it was a "lovely event" with "wonderful variety".

Others congratulated the organisers and wanted a repeat of the event. It was a celebration of cultural diversity in the community.

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