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Christchurch City Scene
June 2001

Make sure the swimming pool is safe

Now that the cooler weather is finally here, many people will prepare their swimming pools for its "wintering over" period.

The Council suggests that this is an excellent time for householders to make sure that pools comply with the Fencing of Swimming Pools Act before forgetting about it for the winter.

The Act, and the Building Act, require that swimming pools and spa pools must be fenced in a manner that restricts access to the pool or the immediate pool area by children under six years of age.

If there is a complying fence around the pool, then it is a good time to ensure that all self-closing devices and locks work correctly.

Also check that there are no objects such as deckchairs, firewood and wheelbarrows against the fence that children could use to climb over the fence into the pool.

Pool owners have a legal obligation to ensure that their swimming or spa pools are fenced in accordance with the Act and that the fencing is maintained (or the pool remains empty.)

Nearly 130 children under six years of age drowned in private swimming and spa pools in New Zealand between 1980 and 1997.

In 1999, six people drowned in home pools, five of these were pre-school age. In all cases, either the fencing did not comply or the gate had been propped open.

Not just a tragedy — it’s a crime.

Contrary to popular belief, more than 85 per cent of children who drown in home pools either lived in the home or were invited guests.

The responsibility for preventing a tragedy rests with the pool owner.

It is a legal obligation to make a pool and spa comply with the Act and that it is registered with the Council.

Any concerns about the fencing of a pool or ensuring that a pool is registered with the Council, should be conveyed to the Council’s Environmental Monitoring Team, Phone 941 8658.

Related Information
Why Fence Pools | Pool Fencing

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