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Christchurch City Scene
July 2001

Leaving the cars at home

Traffic in Christchurch
More than 430 cities from 12 European countries took part in "In Town Without My Car" last year.
The City Council is investigating whether the city could be completely free of cars for one day next year. An "In Town Without My Car" proposal was floated recently which is in line with a European International Car-Free Day event.

The event was first seen in La Rochelle, France, in 1997 and the French Ministry of Land Planning and the Environment was so impressed it later invited other French cities to take similar action.

In 1998 special laws were put in place saying that all cities with more 100,000 people had to have before 2000 a transport plan with aims to reduce urban traffic and one which developed public transport, cycling and walking.

More than 430 cities from 12 European countries took part in "In Town Without My Car" last year. Interest is growing in other parts of the world.

It has been suggested that, with the City Council’s support and commitment to improving the environment and the social benefits, that the Council might consider working towards "linking with the European International Car Free Day" next year.

One suggestion is that, as the day will fall on a Sunday, people could use buses or cycles to travel into the city that day to join a special event. A Council sub-committee is now investigating possibilities of going carless for a day.

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