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Christchurch City Scene
July 2001

Entertainment for new citizens

Members of the Te Wha Nau O Aranui group
Members of the Te Wha Nau O Aranui group from Aranui High School perform at a Citizenship Ceremony.
A Maori welcome greeted this country’s new citizens at two recent City Council Citizenship Ceremonies.

More than 400 became New Zealand citizens when Mayor Garry Moore presented certificates.

The Aranui High School group, Te Wha Nau O Aranui, performed at the two ceremonies. The group is raising funds for a trip in September to the Christchurch sister city of Songpa Gu in South Korea.

The Council holds about a dozen citizen ceremonies each year on behalf of the Government. About 200 attend each ceremony and many attending wear their national costumes.

The Council tries to make them memorable occasions with solemnity mixed with entertainment.

Recipients not only receive their certificates of citizenship but also a native tree each and have photographs taken with the Mayor which are sent to them.

The two-hour ceremony ends with the singing of the National Anthem and then everyone is given refreshments.

Mayor Garry Moore says that it is a big step for anyone to change citizenship but he urges the new New Zealanders to "hold on to their culture and language and pass it on to their children and their children."

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