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Christchurch City Scene
April 2001

Recycling hits town

Recycling Hits Town
Recycling is spreading to some shopping streets of the central city.

Recycling street bins are being trialled in City Mall but some people do not know that the bins are for specific recyclable items, such as drink bottles and cans, and are using them as normal litter bins.

Simon Collin, the Council’s Solid Waste Manager, says, "This means the bins become what is called ‘contaminated’ — containing material which cannot be recycled and requires sorting. If we can sort out this problem and the trial proves to be successful, the bins will be a permanent feature in City Mall".

The recycling bins are easy to recognise with the distinctive recycling logo.

With steadily increasing domestic volumes of material collected at the kerbside, the recycling programme is looking at how to increase recycling facilities for people out and about in the City.

Simon Collin says that, in addition to the street bins, the provision of the brightly coloured, multi-material event bins at several SummerTimes Festival events this year are part of a plan to provide recycling facilities across a wide range of recreation areas.

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