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Christchurch City Scene
November 2000

Sobering message

Advertisements in the City Centre projecting an image of a car key with the shadow of a cross is a sober reminder that car crashes can kill.

The ad is from a road safety group called Caap - Christchurch Alcohol Action Project - which the Council is part of.

With the Christmas-New Year holiday period approaching, and December historically being a record month for alcohol-related car crashes, CAAP is advising people to leave their cars at home if they're going to be drinking alcohol.

"Unless you have your own alcohol detector, it's impossible to tell whether you're over the limit or not...processing alcohol is such a personal thing and there are so many variables to consider."

CAAP is warning that recent law changes have toughened the penalties for drink-driving. If you are caught driving with more than twice the limit in your system you instantly lose your licence.

There are many transport alternatives in Christchurch, such as the hire a driver service, the Red Bus $3 midnight express and taxi companies.

For more information contact Ruth Leversedge on 366 2448.

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