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November - December 99
Christchurch City Scene

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A New Year's resolution not to waste

Kerbside Recycling It's not even Christmas and you're running out of black bags? Perhaps it's the season to jolly well reduce your waste (if not your waist!).

While businesses are working hard on Green Retail and Target Zero programmes to reduce business waste, the rest of us can turn over a new leaf for the new millennium:

  • If you don't already recycle at the kerbside, now is a good time to start.
  • Why not compost your lawn clippings and food scraps? Nearly half the contents of an average black bag are organic kitchen and garden waste. Organic waste is better off in your garden making compost and nourishing the soil than making leachate and gas in the landfill.
  • About to embark on a big end of year clean up? Remember that you can take reusable and recyclable items to the resource recovery areas free of charge at any of the Council's three refuse stations. The stations will be closed Christmas Day,

Boxing Day and New Year''s Day, but will be open the rest of the holiday season.

For more information contact Julie Eyles at the Council on 941 840 05.

Inner city service
People living in the central business district joined Christchurch's hugely successful kerbside recycling programme at the beginning of November. They put out their crates for collection from 7pm on Wednesday evenings. For more information phone 371379.

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