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Christchurch City SceneChristchurch City Council
May 1999   C H R I S T C H U R C H   C I T Y   C O U N C I L · Y O U R   P E O P L E · Y O U R   C I T Y

Your City. Your Say.
Decision Time

It's decision time for Christchurch.
Christchurch City Council Draft Plan 1999 has been published and the Council is looking for feedback from Christchurch ratepayers and residents.
The Council acts on behalf of all Christchurch people to provide a wide range of services for our City. The draft plan, with an overall proposed rate increase of 1.96 per cent, maps out budgets, objectives and service standards for the coming year. Everything from "How much should we spend maintaining our roads?", to "How do we make sure we have the best libraries possible?", to "How can we most efficiently deal with our waste?", to "How do we best look after our parks?", to "How should we most effectively develop the local economy?"
For all those questions "we" means everyone in Christchurch, everyone who uses the Council's services -  not just the Councillors who sit around the Council table.
That's why everybody needs to have a say - to find the best answers to all of these questions - answers which will suit as many Christchurch people as possible.
This four-page supplement has been included in 'City Scene' to help you to think about some of the important questions and to provide the Council with the sort of feedback which will help it to make sound decisions about the services it provides. Read the articles then fill in and return the City Scene response form. Alternatively you may wish to consult the whole of the
Draft Plan.

Copies are available from the Civic Offices in Tuam St, all libraries and Council service centres or by calling 941 6456. You have until Friday 18 June to have your say.

Good Value

The average rates paid by each Christchurch residential ratepayer is $16.28 per week. This pays for: Some other things that $16.28 might buy:
One of the best water supplies in the country One of the best water supplies in the country
An efficient network of local roads

An efficient network of local roads

Parks, sportsgrounds and nature reserves Parks, sportsgrounds and nature reserves
Weekly refuse collection

5rubbish.jpg (11344 bytes)

Removal and environmentally safe treatment of sewage Removal and environmentally safe treatment of sewage
Free events and festivals 5picnic.jpg (13568 bytes)
A museum, libraries and art gallery of high standards A museum, libraries and art gallery of high standards
Social, recreational and economic activities to ensure Christchurch remains an excellent place to live, work and play. 5Swim.jpg (9700 bytes)

$16.28 per week

For Breakdown of costs
see pie-chart, page 7
Medium Pizza, Chips, 2 390ml Cokes Medium Pizza, Chips, 2 390ml Cokes
Rose, annual, single flower, gardening trowel
5garden.jpg (7093 bytes)
5bread.jpg (10468 bytes) Weet-bix 375g, North's Toast White bread 700g , Meadow Fresh milk 1L STD, Anchor butter 500g, Farmer Brown eggs No.7 6-pack, Watties spaghetti 300g, Tararua cheese 250g Tasty, tomatoes 270g, bananas 930g
New Idea, NZ Woman's Weekly, The Press,
$5 Lotto Lucky Dip, TV Guide, Instant Kiwis
5mags.jpg (12141 bytes)
5beer.jpg (6507 bytes) Jug beer (tap) x 2, house wine x 2
Hoyts movie ticket, medium popcorn, medium soft drink, Candy Bar lollies 140g
5cola.jpg (7928 bytes)
The average residential property value in Christchurch is $163,000.
Proposed City Council rates payable on a property of this value during 1999/2000 are $845.96.
Therefore the weekly average level for City Council service to residents is $16.28.
(Note: This calculation does not include Canterbury Regional Council rates)

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