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Christchurch City SceneChristchurch City Council
May 1999   C H R I S T C H U R C H   C I T Y   C O U N C I L · Y O U R   P E O P L E · Y O U R   C I T Y

Proposed City Plan reaches next phase
The Proposed Christchurch City Plan will guide the direction of the City’s future development for the next ten years and beyond.
It aims to achieve sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of Christchurch; providing land for residential, business, rural, recreational, and other activities by zoning appropriate areas.
Contained within the Plan are provisions that seek to avoid or minimise the adverse effects of activities on neighbours, the wider community, and the environment generally.
The Proposed Plan was initially publicly notified in June 1995 at which time the community was given the opportunity to make submissions on its contents.
Submissions closed in November 1995 with some 12,000 decisions requested by submitters. In April 1996 a subsequent opportunity was provided for people to make further submissions supporting or opposing the original submissions.
When this process closed in June 1996, more than 20,000 further submissions had been received.
Since then the Council has held numerous hearings to consider the submissions and has now made decisions on all submissions (except for a small number of specific exceptions).
The Council’s decisions are contained in 128 decision documents, each dealing with submissions of a like nature, and the Proposed City Plan has been amended to reflect those decisions.
The amendments include:
• The provision of new urban growth areas for residential development and the removal of some other areas that were originally proposed (refer to the map of major urban growth areas).
• Changes in the Living Zones have generally resulted in higher standards being required.
• The restrictions on retailing and offices in some business zones have been reduced.
• In rural zones dwellings will be permitted for most lots that are greater than two hectares in size and existed at 24 June 1995.
• Additional controls are included on buildings and exotic plant species on higher areas of the Port Hills.
Many other changes have been made and anyone interested in the changes should consult the amended Plan.
Copies of the amended Plan are available for viewing at Council libraries, at the Tuam St Civic Offices and all Service Centres.
Copies can be bought from the Civic Offices and the Service Centres, either as a complete set of replacement pages for $100 or as a boxed set for $150.
Those people who made submissions will receive copies of the actual decisions. These will be sent out in two batches so that those who submitted have more time to consider the Council’s decisions before the appeal period ends.
The first batch, including decisions relating mainly to business, transport, parking, utilities, heritage and recreation issues was sent on 10 May.
The second batch will be sent on 31 May, including decisions relating to urban growth, residential and rural issues.
The next step is the appeals process.
Those who have made submissions have 15 working days after receiving a decision to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court.
The Environment Court hearings will then rehear submissions and the Court will reach its own decision.
Once the appeals are resolved the Proposed Plan will be made operative and will replace the Transitional Plans that currently apply to different parts of the city.
Until the Proposed Plan comes into force both the Transitional Plan and the Amended Plan have effect.
If a development proposal is unable to comply with the provisions of one or other, a resource consent may be required.
Contact A direct phone line, ph 941 8888, has been set up for inquiries relating to the Council decisions.
The next step is the appeals process. Those who have made submissions have 15 working days after receiving a decision to lodge an appeal with the Environment Court.


The scope of Proposed Christchurch City Plan includes such diverse aspects as:

  • Urban Growth - including extensions and reductions to growth areas
  • Living Zones
  • Energy
  • Transport
  • Utilities
  • Subdivisions
  • Esplanade Reserves
  • Protected Buildings
  • Trees
  • Waterways
  • Display of Outdoor Advertisements
  • Fortified Sites
  • Business, Rural and Conservation Zones
  • Health & Saftey Rules
  • Sale of Liquor
Major urban growth areas in Christchurch

Major urban growth areas in Christchurch

Lodging an appeal against the Proposed City Plan

If you want to lodge an appeal relating to a decision in the City Plan but do not wnow what to do or what the consequences of lodging an appeal may be, the Christchurch Community Law Centre is running seminars on the appeal procedure.
This will explain the appeal process; utline the the neccessary legal requirements for lodging an appeal to the Environment Court; and provide practical suggestions to anyone wishing to appeal.
The next City Plan appeal seminar will be held at the Law Centre, 281 Madras Street from 7-9 pm on 3 June.

Contact For further information contact the Law Centre, phone 366 6870.
Silver Ferns take on S Africa
After beating the champion Australians in March, New Zealand takes on world number two South Africa in a three-test Fisher & Paykel Netball series next month, including the second test in Christchurch at the WestpacTrust Centre on Saturday 19 June, from 8pm.

The South Africa series is a warm-up for the Vodafone Silver Ferns’ preparation for the Netball World Championships in September, also at the WestpacTrust Centre.

Tickets for the South Africa test are $35 and $20, available from Ticketek, ph 0800 285 590 or 377 8899.

Silver Fern Julie Seymour in action.
Silver Fern Julie Seymour in action.

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