Our Environment: Special Edition - Charleston Update |
A neighbourhood plan, which aims to
help retain and build on the physical and social character of Charleston, is being
prepared by the City Council.
As part of the public consultation process, this special edition of Our Environment is devoted to updating you on the progress of key issues and projects in the area bounded by Ferry Road, Ensors Road, the railway tracks and Wilsons Road. It also explains the purpose of the neighbourhood plan and outlines some possible projects in the Charleston area. We are keen to receive your views on these issues and ideas.
It is intended to include in the plan not only physical improvements, which were the main focus of past plans, but also to introduce community initiatives and participation. The Council recognised that, while Charleston had been subject to a revitalisation programme in the early 1980s, the character and residential quality of the area has slowly been eroded. As a result, money has been allocated for improvements.
Projects such as the enhancement of parks and the use of alternative planting and roading treatments to strengthen the identity of individual streets will be considered.
In addition, the neighbourhood plan is seen as a means to promote positive ways to address residents concerns about the increasing number of higher density residential developments.
The plan has a number of
specific aims:
Character of Charleston
Some residents are concerned about the effect of Living 3 zone development on the existing character of Charleston, and the need to ensure that new development is appropriate to this character.
The neighbourhood plan will promote development that builds on the character areas of Charleston, through the use of building design guides and landscape treatments.
Time Frame
We recognise that residents will want to see results of the neighbourhood plan process as soon as possible. For this reason the plan will focus on projects that can be achieved within a five- year time frame. This will allow local expectations to be realised and also for the plan to respond to the changing needs of the community.
For more information please contact:
Josie Schröder Ph: 941 8932
Our Environment Index |