Christchurch City Council Agenda
Thursday 23 August 2012
at 9.30am in the Council Chamber
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Agenda Cover Page, Index Page and Clauses 1 to 5
Clause 2: Council Meetings of 26.7.2012, 9.8.2012 and 15.8.2012
Clause 3: Deputations by Appointment
Clause 4: Presentation of Petitions
Clause 5: Report of the Planning Committee: Meeting of 25 July 2012
Clauses 7 to 12
Clause 7: Report of the Environment and Infrastructure Committee - Meeting of 2 August 2012
Clause 8: Report of the Corporate and Financial Committee - Meeting of 3 August 2012
Clause 9: Linwood Suburban Village Masterplan
Clause 10: Report from the Chairperson of Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board - Meeting of 14 August 2012
Clause 11: Notices of Motion
Clause 12: Resolution to Exclude the Public
Attachments to the Report of the Corporate and Financial Committee - Meeting of 3 August 2012
Supplementary Agenda
Clause 15: Resolution to be Passed - Supplementary Reports
Clause 16: 36 Welles Street Building Clearance
Clause 17: Demolition of QE11 Facilities