Present: |
Councillor Sally Buck (Christchurch City Council) (Chairperson),
Councillor Robbie Brine (Waimakariri District Council),
Mayor Garry Jackson (Hurunui District Council),
Councillor Lindsay Philps (Selwyn District Council),
Councillor Bob Shearing (Christchurch City Council),
Councillor Bev Tasker (Ashburton District Council) and Councillor Sue Wells ( Christchurch City Council).
Apologies: |
Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Mayor Kevin Heays (Kaikoura District Council),
Mayor Bob Parker (Banks Peninsula District Council),
Councillor James Gibson (Waimate District Council) and Councillor Pat Mulvey (Timaru District Council).
An apology for lateness was received and accepted from Councillor Sue Wells.
Councillor Sue Wells arrived at 10.20 am and was absent for clauses 1, 2, 3 and part of clause 4.