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Report of the Sustainable Transport and Utilities Committee to the Council meeting of Thursday 22 April 2004

A meeting of the Sustainable Transport and Utilities Committee was held on Tuesday 6 April 2004 at 9.30am

Present: Councillor Denis O’Rourke (Chairman),
Councillors Helen Broughton,  Sally Buck,  Barry Corbett,  Carole Evans,  Megan Evans,  Ingrid Stonhill,  Chrissie Williams and Ron Wright.

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from the Mayor and Councillor Graham Condon and for lateness for Councillor Sally Buck.
Councillor Sally Buck arrived at 9.55am and was absent for clauses 1, 2, 5, 7 and 9.1 and part of clause 6.
Councillor Megan Evans arrived at 9.35am and was absent for clause 5 and part of clause 6.
Councillor Ingrid Stonhill arrived at 9.35am and was absent for clause 5 and part of clause 6.
Councillor Chrissie Williams arrived at 9.36am and was absent for clause 5 and part of clauses 1 and 6.

Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions

Part A   1 Debon Holdings Subdivision - Sewer Connection across City Boundary
Part A   2 Hagley Avenue Bus Layover Parking Restrictions
Part A   3 Christchurch Road Safety Strategy Consultation
Part A   4 Cashel Mall
Part B   5 Petition
Part B   6 Correspondence
Part B   7 Additional Charges under the Trade Waste Bylaw
Part B   8 Free Central City Shuttle Service Review
Part B   9 Items Received
Part C   10 Oxford Terrace/Madras Street: Changes to Parking Management


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