Canterbury Regional Landfill Joint Committee Agenda
Friday 12 August 2011
Canterbury Club, Worcester Street, Christchurch
Committee: Councillor Sally Buck (Christchurch City Council) (Chairperson)
Councillor Glenn Livingstone (Christchurch City Council)
Councillor Aaron Keown (Christchurch City Council)
Councillor Darryl Nelson (Ashburton District Council)
Councillor Richard Davison (Hurunui District Council)
Councillor Lindsay Philps (Selwyn District Council)
Councillor Robbie Brine (Waimakariri District Council)
Principal Adviser: Mark Christison, Telephone 941-5734
Committee Adviser: Janet Anderson, Telephone 941-8179
A copy of the Full Agenda without Appendices is available.
Part A - Matters Requiring a Council Decision
Part B - Reports for Information
Part C - Delegated Decisions