AT 9.00 AM
Supplementary reports on the following topics have been received since the agenda was circulated:
The reports were not included in the main agenda because they were not available when the agenda was being prepared. Neither report can wait for the next meeting of the Committee as both relate to the 1998/99 draft budget which is being considered at the present meeting.
Recommendation: That the reports be received and considered at the present meeting.
Officer responsible | Authors |
Communications and Promotions Manager | Susan Selway/Sam Fisher |
Corporate Plan Output: Events |
The purpose of this report is to recommend that the Council provide year round events information via City Scene to ensure that residents are adequately informed of events and activities supported by the Council. This will necessitate an increase in budget for the Summer Events Calendar, currently in the Events output.
There are also recommendations to increase the frequency of City Scene and a separate report is being put to Strategy and Resources Committee which oversees the City Scene output.
Independent research has identified a demand from residents for up-to-date information on events and activities all year round, not just in the summer. The qualitative research, conducted on City Scene in early 1997, indicated that residents want regular and accurate information on Council activities and especially events and festivals. Events and festivals are generated by the Council, event organisers and community groups.
Research suggests that information currently provided does not satisfy this demand. Wellington and Auckland City Councils have addressed this problem by publishing regular events calendars that are delivered to mailboxes. Auckland is now publishing monthly events guides during summer and weekly events updates in their City Scene newspaper. Wellington publishes a quarterly events calendar.
While individual festivals promote their own events through brochures these are not distributed to every household as event organisers have insufficient budget to print over 100,000 copies. Distribution tends to be via public places such as libraries, Service Centres and cafe-bars. Given festival promotion is limited because of pressure on budgets, this is an efficient way of distributing information but not wide reaching.
Currently the Council allocates a budget of $15,000 towards publishing a Summer Events Calendar. The publication was produced for the first time in 1996/97 and repeated in 1997/98. In both years the Calendar was distributed to every household, in 1997 distribution was via City Scene.
The Calendar was well received by residents in 1996/97 and in 1997/98. There were, however, severe problems at the production stage. When compiling information in preparation for publishing we found that event organisers could not provide accurate details for events scheduled for over four months away.
City Scene contains news and information on Council activities and is distributed to all residential addresses. Savings through renegotiation with suppliers have provided us with an opportunity to make City Scene a quarterly publication in 1997/98.
On 5 February we will be reporting to Strategy and Resources Committee Annual Plan meeting with a recommendation that we take a step towards meeting residents' desire for a monthly publication by planning and budgeting for six issues in 1998/99. (This action is recommended in response to the findings of the research on City Scene referred to earlier in the report.)
If City Scene is published bi-monthly then it presents an opportunity to publicise events information more regularly. If events information is published in conjunction with City Scene rather than separately there would be efficiencies in distribution costs and possibly also in printing.
Quite apart from financial efficiencies, there are other reasons why the events calendar would be appropriately included in the each issue of City Scene. These reasons are:
1. Resident Preference
Qualitative research was undertaken on City Scene in early 1997. From the findings it emerged there was clear consensus in the focus groups that events calendar information should be in every issue.
2. Reaching all Residents
The 1996/97 Summer Events Calendar was a separate publication which meant that when it was delivered in 1996 it did not go into letterboxes with `no circulars' signs displayed. Since City Scene is an official communication often carrying information that must be posted to every letterbox, including the calendar in City Scene increases the number of people who will receive the City's Events Calendar.
The option for funding more issues of City Scene, identified in the report to Strategy and Resources Committee, is to finance the additional cost from the events output budget. The rationale is that by increasing frequency we present the events output with better opportunities to publicise services and there should be a corresponding share of production cost with the City Scene output.
On this basis, increasing the inclusion of events calendar to every issue would have cost implications for the events output. The additional costs are detailed as follows:-
OPTION 1: Provision of year round events information
The most efficient way of providing year round information on events is to combine with City Scene. The budget required would be approximately $12,500 per issue. (For comparison a separate mailout of six Events Calendars per year to residents letterboxes would cost approximately $150,000.)
There would be an additional charge for distribution of City Scene based on increased weight, but this would be significantly less than distributing an events calendar by itself.
Assuming a smaller but regular events calendar included in each issue of City Scene, costs are:-
Design $2,500
Printing $9,000
Share of distribution $1,500
Total per issue: $13,000
As there is currently $15,000 budgeted for 1998/99 this option would require an increase of $63,000 in the 1998/99 Annual Plan.
OPTION 2: Provision of information for summer events only
A second option would be to limit provision of events information to across the summer period when the events calendar is particularly busy. Given the problems encountered in sourcing accurate information for the whole summer period it is recommended that the calendar be split into two issues, November (for November-January) and February (for February-March). Distribution would be with City Scene to maintain efficiency by sharing distribution costs.
Design $3,500
Printing $18,000
Distribution $1,500
Total 1 Events Calendar : $23,000
As there is currently $15,000 budgeted for 1998/99 this option would require an increase of $31,000 in the 1998/99 Annual Plan.
Of the two options identified above, option one is preferable given residents desire for more regular information on events in Christchurch. Option two would provide residents with information across the busy summer period but not for events between April-November.
Recommendation: |
Chairman's Recommendation: | For discussion. |
Officer responsible | Authors |
Leisure and Community Services Manager | Lyall Matchett |
Corporate Plan Output: Wharenui Swimming Pool |
The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on the condition of the mechanical services (heating and ventilation) at Wharenui Swimming Pool.
During the 1997/98 Annual Plan process an Asset Review was undertaken by Thompson and Wentworth which identified the need to upgrade/repair facets of the mechanical services at the Wharenui Pool. Subsequently $110,000, being the sum provided by the Thompson and Wentworth plan, was included in the 1998/99 draft plan for this work.
Owing to the fact that the plant and system had been only installed in 1994 when the new roof was constructed, we were confident that these funds would be sufficient to undertake the required maintenance.
During the 1997 winter, difficulties were encountered with maintaining the required water temperature for the pools, owing to the existing heating supplied by three Transflux units being required to assist heating the pool air as well.
To provide additional air heating a small electric boiler which had been retrieved from the demolition of Centennial Pool was installed to boost the air heating at a cost of $5000. Extreme condensation problems were also occurring in the pool hall and change rooms making conditions unpleasant for swimmers and staff and causing concern about long term effects on the structure of the facility (most of which is only 3 years old). Investigations by the engineers of the 1994 pools upgrade showed that a second heat pump designed for water heating and air handling had been removed from the contract in order to meet the required budget for the project. This was done in the belief that the system would cope with water and air heating requirements. While the system is effective in the summer months, it is during the winter when condensation, pool heating difficulties and high running costs are experienced.
The following comments were received from Ross Walker of Transflux Developments when asked:
Was the transflux heating system installed to provide full water heating for a sustained period or were they a "temporary solution" that has been extended due to being reasonably successful, if not expensive to run. (Note: Ross Walker formerly at the University of Canterbury, developed the transflux heating system and installed the units in Wharenui as a test site in 1993. They are now made commercially as a subsidiary of Southpower.)
Yes they were installed to give full heating to the pool in 1993, but since then the air heating has been removed. There was originally another 100kws of air heating which now does not exist and the heat pump installed in the latest upgrade recovers lost heat from the pool air to compensate. This sounds OK in its self, but now in the winter period (four months a year) the Transflux is required to run nearly constantly as it has to heat both the water and air. The problems with this are two fold:
In the 2 [Omega] years that the existing system has operated the evaporator coil which extracts heat from the exhaust air has sustained extensive corrosion in the fins at the bottom part of the coil and requires replacement at a cost of $10,000. This is due to the high level of water content remaining in the air, which is heavily loaded with chlorine.
BPS Energy and Engineering have provided an analysis of the existing system and the options to meet air and water heating requirements and to provide the necessary air conditions to avoid future damage to the building and plant.
Their findings are as follows:
The present system is not capable of handling the heating load for the pool and pool complex. The air heating load is 230kw after allowance has been made for the preheat coil to heat the air to 4oC. However, the existing air to air heat pump has a capacity of 140kw. Furthermore this heat pump has been breaking down very frequently. The existing Transflux heaters have a capacity of 120kw, which is short of the pool heating load of 142kw. When heating the pool after it has just been filled up a heating capacity of 215kw is required. Four systems have been evaluated to heat the pool and pool complex.
Necessary Steps to Repair Plant
Replace the damaged evaporator coil and install a new pool water heating coil and undertake modification to air systems. Estimated cost - $33,750.
Modify plant for variable air volume.
Additional to the repairs is the option of modifying the air handling system for variable air volume control. This ensures that the humidity of the pool area is controlled much more efficiently and effectively and protects the whole structure from damage caused by condensation and chlorine vapours. This will only be fully efficient when desired pool water and air temperatures are maintained. Estimated cost - $20,000
Annual Saving in Energy - $7,300
Provision of Additional Heating
Option 1
Install Electric Boiler Estimated cost - $51,250
Lower capital cost
- Still won't meet satisfactory conditions when outside air is
below 7oC.
- Higher annual running costs.
- No backup supply.
Option 2
Install 140kw air to water heat pump and coils Estimated cost - $182,500
- Significant savings in annual energy costs $41,670 pa
- Provides both water and air heating.
- Existing Transflux heaters are retained as back-up supply and
assisting with peaks.
Higher Capital Cost.
Option 3
Install Oil Fired Boiler Estimated cost - $108,750
This is a similar option to Option 1 with lower annual running
costs than an electric boiler.
- Cheaper to run than electricity.
- Annual energy savings of $9,570.
- Requires installation of flue stack and oil tank.
- Also needs air consent permit.
- Not desirable for location in residential area.
- No suitable location for fuel tank.
Option 4
Install Oil Fired Boiler Plus Heat Pump Estimated cost -
The inclusion of a heat pump with the boiler would again reduce
operating costs substantially.
Annual energy savings of $45,070 pa
- High Capital cost
- Same as for Option 3.
A meeting with the Wharenui Swimming Club and BPS Energy and Engineering considered that the most favoured option was to modify the plant for variable air volumes and install a 140kw heat pump at a total cost of $202,500.
The 1997/98 Annual Plan provision is $110,000 of which $15,000 of funds have been expended on investigation fees and the installation of the back up boiler.
EECA Loan Funding
The Council's Energy Manager has advised that this project would be eligible for an interest free loan from EECA (Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority) on the basis that the addition of a heat pump (currently not funded) would provide significant energy savings.
As Wharenui is a leased facility the benefit of the energy savings would accrue to the club not the Council.
The Swimming Club have advised however that if the Council were to install the heat pump then they would be prepared to contribute a portion of those annual savings back to the Council to assist repayment of the loan.
EECA have recently advised the Energy Manager that they have distributed their allocation of loan funds for the current financial year and that budget approval for the 1998/99 allocation has not been made.
To ensure that the mechanical services (heating and ventilation) for the Wharenui Pool operates efficiently, meets humidity levels and required air and water temperatures the following programme of work is recommended.
Repair existing air handling system | $33,750 |
Install Air Volume Control | 20,000 |
Install 140kw Heat Pump and Associated Equipment | 182,500 |
$236,250 | |
Plus spent to date | 15,000 |
$251,250 | |
Existing Budget Allocation | 110,000 |
Additional funds required | $141,250 |
Recommendation: |
Chairman's Recommendation: | For discussion. |