AT 4.30PM
Community Board | Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Richard Boulton, David Cox John Freeman, Denis O'Rourke, Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien, Linda Rutland, Bob Todd |
Community Manager Peter Francis Telephone: 9416-601 |
Committee Secretary Shona Willis Telephone: 9416-602 |
This is to advise that the items on the Agenda for the meeting to be held on Wednesday 4 February are as follows:-
PART A Matters Requiring a Council Decision
PART B Reports for Information
PART C Delegated Decisions
4. DEPUTATIONS BY APPOINTMENT 4.1 Sumner Swimming Club 4.2 Resettlement Project |
C C |
5. CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Sumner Swimming Club 5.2 Resettlement Family Project |
B B B C A |
10. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 10.1 Burgess Street 10.2 Scarborough/Taylors Mistake Roads 10.3 Esplanade 10.4 Cranley Street - Bus Stop 10.5 Riccarton Ave Markings |
B | 13. 1997/98 ROADING PROGRAMME |
B B B C B C |
UPDATE 17.1 Beverley Park Committee 17.2 Community Service Awards 17.3 Sumner Marine Hotel Site Development Appeal 17.4 Meeting Venue 1998 17.5 Liquor Licensing 17.6 Discretionary Expenditure |
At its meeting held on 25 November the Hagley-Ferrymead Community Board resolved that Linda Rutland be appointed to represent the Ferrymead Ward.
This vacancy arose as a result of Heather Brown tending her resignation from the Board.
Linda Rutland will take an oral declaration attested by the Board Chairperson, Anna Crighton, immediately prior to the start of tonight's meeting.
Recommendation: | That the report of the ordinary meeting held on 25 November 1997, be confirmed as a true and correct record of that meeting. |
Morten Gjerde, President of the Sumner Swimming Club, wishes to speak in support of his club's application for funding.
(Clause 5.1 refers.)
The Committee Secretary comments:
"The Chairperson requested that information be provided on what funding the Board had given to other pool facilities in the area.
The only pool in Hagley-Ferrymead that is given financial assistance is the Woolston Pool which is managed, operated and maintained by volunteers. The Service centre budget provides maintenance costs of approximately $4,000 per year and the Board has made an annual contribution of $1,000 towards the costs of a qualified supervisor for the summer school holiday period."
Jennifer Cato representing the Resettlement Family Support Project wishes to speak on the application for financial support toward the funding of a Somali Community Worker.
The attached correspondence has been received from Morten Gjerde, President of the Sumner Swimming Club, requesting financial assistance towards the funding of lifeguards for a period of five months over the swimming season.
The letter was received prior to the last Board meeting but was held over until this meeting as no financial statements had been forwarded with the application. These have since come to hand and are circulated with the agenda.
Please note that this application would not be eligible for Hillary Commission funding as it is not seen as being a specific project but rather part of the Club's ongoing operational expenses.
Mr Gjerde will be present at the meeting to speak in support of the Club's application.
Chairperson's Recommendation: For discussion.
The attached application seeking financial support has been received.
The project employs a Somali Community Worker to work with both the Somali and Ethopian communities.
There is a $7,160 shortfall in the current funding for the position and the Board is being asked to consider allocating $5,000.
The statement of financial performance for the year ending 31 December 1996 is attached.
Ms Cato will be present at the meeting to discuss her group's request.
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Board allocate $2,500 of its Discretionary Funds towards the ongoing funding for the Somali Community Worker position. |
The Board at its 26 August 1997 meeting endorsed the recommendations of the committee established to discuss local concerns and issues with both the Heathcote and Charleston Residents Associations.
One of the recommendations was to arrange a workshop with property owners, stakeholders and the Residents Association to discuss the development of an environment plan for the Heathcote Valley floor.
Liz Briggs(Senior Planner Conservation) and Janet Reeves(Senior Planner Projects) are currently working on a concept plan for the valley floor. They will be present at the meeting to outline the process involved in developing the plan and will explain where this fits in with the hearing of submissions on the City Plan.
Chairperson's Recommendation: For information
Liz McRostie has requested that the Board be updated on the recent number of dog attacks happening in the area and the resultant action being taken by the Council.
Alistair Kirk, Senior Dog Control Officer, will be present at the meeting to provide a brief overview and to answer any questions Board members may have.
Chairperson's Recommendation: For information
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | John Allen, Area Parks Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: 9.4 text 12 Customer Services |
An on site meeting was held on the 10 November 1997 to assess requirements to restore Cob Cottage. Those present being Councillor Cox, Pam Wilson (NZ Historic Places Trust), Parks and City Design Unit staff. The building which was recently vandalised was inspected and conservation work requirements to restore the building were discussed. A further meeting was held with Pam Wilson; Ian Hill from the Department of Conservation, who has wide experience working on buildings of earth construction; and Malcolm Kitt from City Design Unit who is overseeing the project to formulate a conservation work programme to implement the conservation plan produced by Mr Jim Espie.
Since this meeting a resource consent has been obtained to carry out the work required on this historic building. The following works have been completed:
A conservation work programme has been put in place to ensure that the Cob Cottage is brought up to standard, the programme includes a possible time frame for the works completion, some of which will be dependent on further investigation of the condition of the structure eg roof space.
Board members will be aware of traffic congestion problems being experienced by motorists at the St Andrews Hill Road, Bridle Path Road, Main Road intersection. Jenny May, Senior Planner City Design and Heritage was requested to comment on the Heritage value of the cottage in view of it having being substantially rebuilt on its original site during the 1940's. Ms May's opinion amongst other things was that the retention of the present site of the original building was just as important as retaining the building itself. The retention of the building on this site should be taken into account when actions for improving the roading network in the area are planned. Ms May recommended that better access, car parking considerations, and appropriate landscaping should be considered to enhance the significance of and public accessibility to the cottage.
The City Streets Unit has commenced preliminary planning which looks at options for improving the traffic situation in the area and are mindful of the need to retain Cob Cottage on its present site.
Chairperson's Recommendation: That the information be received.
Officer responsible | Author |
Parks Manager | John Allen, Area Parks Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: 9.4 text 12 Customer Services |
The purpose of this report is to advise the Board of the outcome of the public consultation process, so that a decision can be made whether to proceed with the location of the proposed local dog exercise station at Radley Park.
Three hundred and forty eight pamphlets were delivered to households in the area, including the local residents association and interested staff and 38 (approximately 11%) were returned. Nineteen of the submitters were in favour of the proposed dog exercise station whilst sixteen were against, another three making comment but not being concerned either way.
Eleven percent is not a reasonable return rate to gauge the overall opinion of the local community, it being probable that the silent majority have not got adverse views either way upon the proposal. It should be noted however that the Woolston Residents Association was one of the submitters in support of the proposal.
A number of issues were raised by the submitters and these are discussed below:
The establishment of the dog exercise station will:
On balance taking into account submitters' views officers recommend that the Board should confirm the location of the local dog exercise station at Radley Park as the site for the first trial. This will then enable officers to proceed with the more detailed planning and costings necessary before implementation.
Recommendation: |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Officer's recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Lorraine Wilmshurst, Area Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.5 text 38 |
The purpose of this report is to advise the Board of the results of consultation with residents and the community on the proposal to change the City Bylaws to make Burgess Street a "one way" street.
A petition from residents in Burgess Street requesting that parking be restricted to the east side of the street only and that the street be "one wayed" was presented to the Board in August 1997
The "P5" parking restriction on the west side was removed and a "no stopping" parking restriction was imposed in August 1997. These restrictions have been monitored along with traffic movements and pedestrian numbers in the street.
Traffic volume counts for Burgess Street showed that approximately 375 vehicles use it each day. There are slightly more entering from Marriner Street than from the Esplanade but it is fairly even. For safety and visibility reasons it is recommended that vehicles enter Burgess Street from the south (Marriner Street) and proceed north to exit onto the Esplanade.
Pedestrian numbers in the street over a short period in the early afternoon were nearly twice the number of vehicles using the street during the same time.
Consultation has been carried out with the residents of Burgess Street, Sumner Residents Association, the Sumner Business Association, and the Sumner community.
A leaflet explaining that it is proposed to restrict traffic movements in Burgess Street to one direction only was delivered to all residents and owners of properties in Burgess Street or adjoining the street.
17 replies were received and 13 (76%) were in favour of Burgess Street being "one wayed". Of the 4 replies against only two have direct access off Burgess Street. The others have Marriner Street addresses.
Recommendation: | That the Board request that the City Services Committee commence the appropriate bylaw change so that Burgess Street can become a northbound one way street from Marriner Street to the Esplanade. |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Officer's recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Lorraine Wilmshurst, Area Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.5 text 38 |
The purpose of the report is to inform the Board of the work that has been carried out in this area.
Residents have become increasingly concerned about the increase in traffic and problems with anti-social behaviour on both Scarborough Road and Taylors Mistake Road. Complaints have been received about various aspects of driver behaviour, road conditions and navigation (signs and markings/parking etc)
In response to these concerns the following work has been carried out:
Speed checks were carried out during the week on the level stretch of Taylors Mistake Road from Nicholson Park to the descent into Taylors Mistake. The average speed was 50 km/ hr and the 85% was 58 km/hr.
Parking along the seawall at the foot of the hill has been monitored and some new road marking is proposed. This will remove two parking spaces near the end of the footpath at Scarborough Park and provide a safe pedestrian access to the cantilevered footpath up to Whitewash Head.
Contact has been made with the bus company that does the school bus route and investigations are being carried out as to how best to mark the stops for this route.
Planning is under way for the reconstruction of sections of Taylors Mistake Road over the next 3 financial years. The inclusion of a footpath will be investigated with this reconstruction. A community meeting will be called shortly to look at the proposals.
A general parking ban is proposed along both sides of Scarborough Road from the foot of the hill to Nicholson Park. However about 15 parking spaces will be marked where parking will not block the traffic lanes. A publicity leaflet of the proposal will be distributed to residents early in the New Year.
Chairperson's Recommendation: For information.
10.3 ESPLANADE RR 6809
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Lorraine Wilmshurst, Area Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: 9.5 text 5 Planning |
The purpose of this report is to inform the Board of the response from residents and the community to some possible proposals for the Esplanade.
Budgeting has been made available in the 1988/99 financial year to replace kerb and channel in the Esplanade between Stoke and Menzie Streets. This work will include a threshold and narrowing at the intersection of Hardwicke Street and Esplanade.
In conjunction with this work it may be possible to carry out some other remedial work to assist with traffic flows in the area. A leaflet outlining five possible proposals was circulated to all residents and property owners in the Esplanade and the wider Sumner community
81 replies were received and many had comments attached.
Option 1
To rebuild the platforms at Burgess, Marriner, Stoke , Menzies, and Head Streets to make these more severe traffic restraints and planted areas and asphalt humps be constructed mid block.
43 replies were in favour of this option. ie: 53%
Option 2
Make the Esplanade "one way" only, allowing parking only on the east (beach) side from Burgess Street to Heberden Avenue and a median strip dividing the parking area from a 6m carriageway
5 replies were in favour of this option. ie: 6%
Option 3
Make the Esplanade "one way" only, allowing parking on only one side of the Esplanade from Burgess Street to Heberden Avenue, the parking being alternated with landscape or grassed areas.
23 replies were in favour of this option. ie: 28%
Option 4
Make the Esplanade "one way" only and redesign each block as a car park. This would allow parking on both sides and "judder bars" would be constructed across each block.
3 replies were in favour of this option. ie: 4%
Option 5
The residents of Burgess Street have requested that the Board consider "one waying" their street. For safety reasons and visibility Burgess Street would have only northbound traffic ie: entry from Marriner Street and exit to Esplanade only.
Many did not reply to this extra option but 37 replies were in favour of this happening. ie 46%
Comments on the proposals included:
Taking into account all the replies and the comments, it is proposed to look at placing asphalt speed humps on the west side of each of the intersection platforms. This work would be carried out at the same time as the kerb and channel work is being done along the Esplanade. The threshold and narrowing proposed for the Hardwicke Street / Esplanade would include a treatment similar to what is proposed for the rest of the Esplanade to keep traffic management in the area consistent. The amount of work that can be done will be dependent on costings and available budget.
Recommendation: | For information. |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Officer's recommendation be adopted. |
Officer Responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Lorraine Wilmshurst, Area Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Markings and Signs 9.5 text 38 |
The purpose of this report is to gain Board approval for the removal of a library bus stop outside the Linwood Library in Cranley Street.
After the fire at the Shirley Service Centre and Library last year a bus service for library customers from Shirley to the Linwood Library was arranged. Now that the Shirley Library and Service Centre has been refurbished and is back in service, there is no need for the bus stop outside the Linwood Library.
To make more parking available for library patrons and shoppers, it is recommended that the bus stop be removed and the "P30" parking restriction be reinstated in Cranley Street outside the Linwood Library.
Recommendation: |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Officer's recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Peter Atkinson, Area Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Signs and Markings and Black Spot Remedial Works |
The purpose of this report is to advise the Board of the proposed changes to the road markings and to alter the existing parking restrictions on Riccarton Avenue and to request that the Board recommend to the Council their installation.
These changes to Riccarton Avenue have arisen from three separate concerns about traffic conditions along the Avenue. These concerns are;
The proposed changes to the road marking which are illustrated on the attached plan include the provision of edge lines, the introduction of a painted median strip incorporating turning bays into the access roads servicing Hagley Park.
The proposed edge lines will provide for the movement of cyclists along the Avenue but will not be marked as cycle lanes as there is an existing cycle path on the north eastern side of the road in Hagley Park and it is intended that this facility will be complemented with a similar one on the south western side of the road. The edge lines will provide added definition of the road alignment and bring the existing marking up to an arterial road standard.
The proposed road markings will provide for two lanes of traffic into the central area and extend the one lane section out of the city from the entrance to the Oval to the entrance to the bowls and tennis entrance. These markings do reflect the traffic volumes on Riccarton Avenue where there is a marked imbalance in traffic volumes with the greater volume of traffic moving into the central city.
There are a number of small changes to the parking restriction which includes an adjustment to the no stopping parking restrictions, the relocation of the bus stop next to the entrance to the tennis and bowls area and a small increase to the number of on street parking spaces. Fifteen of these spaces are located next to the Christs College sports grounds entrance and one on the northern side to the east of the roundabout. Three spaces are lost as a result of the roundabout.
The proposed painted median will assist pedestrians in crossing the Avenue. At two locations to provide a more positive refuge it is intended to construct two median islands. Currently there are funds allocated for these two islands in the black spot remedial works budget.
These changes have the support of the Parks Unit and Parking Operations Managers.
This report is being referred to the City Services Committee for information.
Recommendation: | That the Community Board support the
following recommendation to the Council:
Chairperson's Recommendation: | For Discussion |
Officer responsible | Author |
Environmental Policy and Planning Manager | Stephanie Styles, Assistant Transportation Planner |
Corporate Plan Output: Transport Policy and Advice |
The purpose of this report is to encourage Community Boards to put forward submissions on the Public Transport Strategy Discussion Document.
As the City grows, there is becoming more and more concern over the growth in traffic volumes on the City's roads and the effect that this is having on society. A few of the effects that we are presently noticing are air pollution, traffic congestion in peak periods, safety concerns, splitting of neighbourhoods, private and public costs and loss of amenity. It is predicted that this growth in traffic volumes will continue and that the effects on the City will intensify.
As a result, the Christchurch City Council and the Canterbury Regional Council have been involved in developing a Public Passenger Transport Strategy. This strategy aims to inform the public on the issues involved, to encourage their support of the public transport system, and to develop options for improvements to the system, in order to plan for the future of the public transport system.
A copy of the Public Transport Strategy Discussion Document entitled "Two Futures - One Choice" is circulated with the agenda. This document has been distributed to many individuals and groups around the City, and it is hoped that they will let us know their thoughts on the future of the public transport system. There will be public meetings held around the City during February, and members of the Community Board are welcome to attend these.
Staff from the City and Regional Councils will be attending this meeting of the Community Board to discuss this work. The Board is encouraged to put forward a submission on the discussion document and to facilitate discussion on the issues around its area.
Recommendation: | For information |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Board establish a committee to prepare a submission on the Public Transport Strategy as it relates to the Hagley-Ferrymead Community. |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Weng-Kei Chen, Asset Policy Engineer |
Corporate Plan Output: Roading Land 9.5 text 14 |
The purpose of this report is to seek the Board's recommendation that the Council approve in principle the disposal of small parcels of legal road in Patten Street, Maffeys Road and Dyers Road. These small parcels of land are surplus to roading requirements.
Current Situation
The three small parcels of legal road are outside numbers 72, 74 and 76 and are occupied by the owners of the adjoining properties.
Road Asset Information
Patten Street is a local road and is a through road between Retreat and Woodham Roads. Traffic restraints have been installed at both intersections.
Road Status: | Local Road in Living 1 Zone. |
Legal Road Width: | Various from 15.0 m to 20.0 m. |
City Plan Legal Road Width Requirement: | Min 14.0 m. |
Roadway Width: | 11.0 m wide completed with flat kerb and channel on western side and generally dished kerb and channel on eastern side. |
Roadway Length: | 464 m. |
Footpath: | Footpath on both sides with grass berm. |
Streetscape: | Landscape consisting of grass berm and trees are established at road intersections. |
Structures and Vegetation on Occupied Land (varies 3.0 to 5.0 m in width)
72 Patten Street - | Double garage partially on legal road: 1.8 m timber fence and mature vegetation. |
74 Patten Street - | 1.8 m timber fence and mature vegetation. |
76 Patten Street - | 1.8 m timber fence and mature vegetation. |
All structures and vegetation are well maintained. | |
The three properties involved are near the intersection of Patten Street and Retreat Road where there is a relatively large area of green road space. In addition they are opposite a well established reserve. The resumption of these small pockets of land for streetscape purpose will have little impact to the existing environment and accordingly I recommend these portions of the road be disposed. |
The small parcel of legal road is in front of 25 Maffeys Road. The Board at its February 1997 meeting approved a similar request at 31 Maffeys Road.
Road Asset Information
Maffeys Road is a steep hillside road and is a through road between McCormacks Bay Road and Santa Maria Avenue. The road has been upgraded in 1994.
Road Status: | Local Road in Living Hill Zone. |
Legal Road Width: | Various from 14.0 m to 20.0 m. |
City Plan Legal Road Width Requirement: | Min 14.0 m. |
Roadway Width: | Varies between 6.0 m to 8.5 m with kerb and channel on both sides. |
Roadway Length: | 460 m. |
Footpath: | Sealed footpath and concrete steps. |
Streetscape: | Mainly native planting. |
Structures and Vegetation Along 25 Maffeys Road
Behind kerb approximately 3.0 m of planting. Plants beginning to establish.
Retaining walls and driveway.
The parcel of surplus land is on a steep slope and below the existing roadway.
To develop this area with planting will not further enhance the existing streetscape, accordingly I recommend it for disposal and the legal road width of 14.0 m be maintained.
iii. DYERS ROAD (PLAN S2950)
The small parcel of land is in front of 173 and part frontage of 183 Dyers Road. This parcel of legal road (as indicated on the plan) is surplus to roading requirement. This land was set aside for a proposed slip road to Maces Road. The slip road concept was abandoned and adjoining property previously owned by Council was sold in 1995. The land is currently occupied by adjoining owners for vehicle parking and storage.
Road Asset Information
Dyers Road (Wickham to Maces): | Major arterial road in Business Zone 5 on western side and Conservation Zone (Bromley) on the eastern side. |
Legal Width: | Generally 20.0m with the exception along 173 and 183 Dyers Road. |
City Plan Legal Road Width Requirement: | 30.0 m. |
Roadway Width: | 11.0 m wide. |
Footpath: | One side footpath. |
Streetscape: | Berm. |
Structures and Vegetation Along 173 and Part Frontage of 183 Dyers Road (Lot 2 Dp 34097)
The area is currently occupied by adjoining owners and is used for car parking and storage. Vegetation growth is controlled by the occupiers.
The parcel of land is not required for roading purpose and to develop it as road open space will have little benefit to the wider community.
There is a road designation on the frontage of the other section of 183 Dyers Road (Lot 1 DP 23680). The disposal of the surplus roading land will allow the Council the opportunity to acquire the designated land without any extra financial commitment from the Annual Plan. I recommend that the parcel of surplus road land be disposed and the Council acquire the designated road widening land at 183 Dyers Road.
Recommendation: |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That the Board recommend to Council that the Officer's recommendation be adopted. |
13 1997/98 ROADING PROGRAMME RR 6798
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Murray Angus |
Corporate Plan Output: Capital Expenditure |
The purpose of this report is to provide Board members with an update of progress for City Streets projects in the Hagley-Ferrymead area which are programmed for the 1997/98 financial year.
Chairperson's Recommendation: That the information be received.
Project | Budget | Project Details | Progress |
Hospital Corner | $100,000 | Cycleway in vicinity of hospital and Tuam Street. | Programmed for February tender. |
Defoe Place(Shakespeare Road to end) | $291,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, new paths, berms and landscaping. EPP Unit financing undergrounding. (EPP $155,000.) | Project under construction. |
Inglis Street(Mathesons Road to Olliviers Road) | $110,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, new paths and landscaping. | Project completed. |
Cashel Street(England Street to Olliviers Road) | $395,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, new paths, berms and landscaping. Financed over two years. | Project complete. |
Clarkson Avenue(Lichfield Street to Cashel Street) | $35,000 | Kerb and channel renewal on west side, new paths and landscaping. Property purchase required. | Project tendered. |
Gloucester Street(Fitzgerald Ave to Stanmore Road) | $420,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, pavement reconstruction, new paths, berms and landscaping. | Project complete. |
Hawdon Street(Brougham Street to Coleridge Street) | $150,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, pavement reconstruction, new paths, berms and landscaping. | Project under construction. |
Hazeldean Road(Montreal Street to Antigua Street) | $180,000 | Kerb and channel renewal and construction, new paths and landscaping. | Project complete. |
Olliviers Road(Tuam Street to Hereford Street) | $500,000 | Kerb and channel renewal pavement reconstruction, new paths, berms and landscaping. | Project complete. |
River Road(Fitzgerald Avenue to No 43) | $80,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, new paths and landscaping. | Project complete. |
Stewart Street(Horatio Street to Moorhouse Avenue) | $120,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, new paths and landscaping. | Reprogrammed for 1998 tender, due to property purchase. |
Whittington Avenue(Sullivan Avenue to end) | $170,000 | Kerb and channel renewal, cul-de-sac construction, new paths, berms and landscaping. | Project under construction. |
Ensors Road/MacKenzie Avenue | $40,000 | Threshold treatment on MacKenzie Ave. | Project complete. |
Heberden Avenue Path | $3,000 | AC path construction on existing grit track. | Project complete. |
Gloucester Street/Lionel Street | $37,000 | Threshold treatment on Lionel Street. | Project tendered. |
Main Road at Scott Reserve | $10,000 | Recessed parking bay on Main Road. | Project under construction. |
Morris Street/Bracken Street | $25,000 | Traffic calming restraints. Insufficient funds for desired work | Board transferred funds to Smith Street. |
Nursery Road | $50,000 | Kerb extensions at Cross Street and school entrance. | Project complete. |
Raupo Street Footpath | $4,000 | New path along development frontage. Legal boundaries resolved. | Project under construction. |
Dunarnan Street/Rowcliffe Street | $37,000 | Threshold treatment on Rowcliffe Street. | Project complete. |
Smith Street | $80,000 | Traffic calming restraint. | Project under construction. |
Gloucester Street/Surrey Street | $37,000 | Threshold treatment on Surrey Street. | Project under construction. |
Avonside Drive(Footbridge to Avon Park entrance) | $20,000 | New AC path construction on river side of Avonside Drive. | Project complete. |
Bellview Terrace(Mt Pleasant Road to Major Hornbrook) | $120,000 | New kerb and channel on uphill side, berms and landscaping. Project over 2 years. | Project complete. |
Ferry Road(Settlers Crescent to the west). | $50,000 | New AC path behind existing kerb and channel. | Programmed for February 1998 tender. |
Moncks Spur Stage V | $440,000 | New kerb and channel, pavement construction, new paths and landscaping. | Project complete. |
Truscotts Road | $400,000 | New road to link Bridle Path and Truscotts Road. Property purchase required. | Environmental impact study required by EPP prior to determining road position. Reprogrammed for 1998 tender. |
Glenstrae Road Barrier | $50,000 | Installation of guardrail on outside of bend. Property purchase required. | Reprogrammed for 1998 tender due to property purchase. |
Linwood Avenue/Worcester Street | $30,000 | Linwood Avenue median realignment to allow right turns only due to accident history. Report to Community Board and City Services for advice and approval respectively, once additional funding has been obtained. | Reprogrammed for March 1998 tender. Additional funding to be sought, at six month review. |
North Avon Road(Hills Road to North Parade) | $20,000 | Upgrade of existing lighting. | Programmed for February tender. |
Stanmore Road(Avonside Drive to London Street) | $33,000 | Upgrade of existing lighting. | Programmed for February tender. |
Stanmore Road(London Street to North Avon Road) | $10,000 | Undergrounding of overhead services. | Project complete. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Barbara Lindsay, Committee Secretary |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Activities |
The purpose of this report is to inform all Community Boards of progress towards holding Neighbourhood Week over the whole of Christchurch during 1-7 March.
The concept of Neighbourhood Week originated in a report to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board on 29 October 1997, when Sue Wells suggested a strategy for the Board to implement which might encourage better neighbourhoods.
A committee with power to act was appointed on 24 November to further the concept and was given authority to spend up to $4,000. This committee has since met on three occasions, on 10 and 16 December and 20 January - reports of these meetings are attached for information (Appendix A).
It was decided that an initial step was to effect an update on the Police list of Neighbourhood Support Group (NSG) co-ordinators and that a person be employed on a Task Force Green scheme for six months in a partnership between the Papanui Police and the Shirley/Papanui Community Board to do this. Mr Chris O'Connor was selected to carry out this work and he commenced his work at the Papanui Police Station on 12 January.
Members will recall that in November 1996 an approach from the Police asked each Community Board to contribute $2,165 to perform a similar task. Mr O'Connor has reported that the programme established during this earlier project has not been updated; in addition it is not a user-friendly system and therefore not suitable for mail-merging purposes. He also said that the system is not capable of selecting groups by Council ward boundaries, although an update of the Police NSG database nationally is proposed some time in the future, which will make this possible. Advice has been received that the programme is able to be loaded onto a Word-based programme. Chris is currently working to familiarise himself with the database and enter the backlog of material. The committee has asked that the circular to all NSG co-ordinators be sent by 30 January (Appendix B attached).
During the November 1997 round of meetings approval was sought from other Community Boards to have the co-ordinators list updated in their wards, although initially the update is to be carried out in the Shirley/Papanui and Fendalton/Waimairi wards. Boards will be asked to contribute towards the cost of postage and stationery and possibly towards the salary top-up of the Task Force Green worker if it is found necessary for the work to run beyond the six month time limit.
The Papanui Police have undertaken to ensure that the list is kept up-to-date in the future and have said that it may be used by the Community Boards to disseminate information within their Wards. The Police, however, wish to retain control of the list of NSG co-ordinators under the requirements of the Privacy Act. Since the restructuring of the role of Policing, it has become the responsibility of the Community Constables to maintain contact with these groups through the co-ordinator and to facilitate the establishment of new NSGs where there are seen to be 'gaps'.
At the November meetings Boards were asked to give their approval in principle to the concept of Neighbourhood Week. They are now being asked for their support and input into the process of using this week as a launching time for a number of community initiatives in order to improve communication between households.
The committee has worked to formulate and refine the content of the circular to be sent to the NSG co-ordinators, and the letters to residents and other community groups throughout Christchurch to ensure that Neighbourhood Week becomes a metropolitan event during the week 1 - 7 March 1998. To this end representatives from the other Boards have been invited to attend and participate in committee meetings.
While the circular to all NSG co-ordinators in Christchurch will be sent from the Papanui Police, in conjunction with a letter from the Police requesting additional information in regard to their communities, those to other community groups will be issued from the various Service Centres. Copies of those being sent from the Papanui Service Centre and which may be used as prototypes for sending to your community groups are attached (Appendix C).
Each Community Board will be responsible for any initiatives and ideas to promote the concept of Neighbourhood Week.
Community Board member, Sue Wells, has undertaken responsibility for city wide media coverage of Neighbourhood Week and has advised that there are unlikely to be any associated costs. However, each Community Board may wish to include publicity in the local newspapers which serve their ward areas.
Recommendation: |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | For discussion |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Shona Willis, Committee Secretary |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Board Representation |
The purpose of this report is to detail the Working Parties and Committees of the Board that are current and to request that the Board consider filling the vacancies that have arisen due to Heather Brown's resignation.
The attached schedule details the committees and working parties of the Board and also includes the listing of members that represent the Board on external bodies, hearings etc.
Heather was a member of the following:
Working Party/Committees | Other Members |
Agenda 21 Committee | Aaron O'Brien, Anna Crighton, Bob Todd, John Freeman |
Community Consultation Working Party | Liz McRostie, Aaron O'Brien, Bob Todd |
Poverty Working Party | Aaron O'Brien, Liz McRostie |
She also represented the Board on the Summit Road Society (jointly for Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board); Wastewater Working Party; Out of School Research - Inter Agency Advisory Group; Estuary Association.
In addition Heather, together with Bob Todd, was a judge for the Board's garden competition and, with Liz McRostie, a member of Keep Christchurch Beautiful.
In her role as Ferrymead Board member Heather was a member of the Linwood Liaison Committee, together with Aaron and Liz, and also the Woolston Mainstreet Project.
Linda Rutland has given an indication that she would like to be involved on the Community Funding Committee and the garden competitions.
Recommendation: | That the Board considers filling those vacancies that have arisen from Heather Brown's resignation. |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | For discussion. |
Anna Crighton has requested that the attached report that was considered at the Environmental Committee's meeting of 4 December be submitted to the Board for comment.
The Environmental Committee decided to adopt the officer's recommendation and also decided that further consideration be given in March 1998 to the Auckland City and Hamburg City policies for tree protection measures.
The Council at its 17 December meeting received Committee's report and resolved, further:
It should be noted that in July 1997 the Board considered a report on adding trees to the tree register and decided that staff be requested to carry out additional investigation to identify any suitable trees in the Hagley-Ferrymead area that warrant inclusion.
For members information a list detailing those trees in the Hagley-Ferrymead area that are already listed is included with the agenda.
Chairperson's Recommendation: That the Board identify, significant trees in their area for addition to the Protected List.
The Beverley Park Committee comprising Anna Crighton (Chairperson), Aaron O'Brien and Denis O'Rourke met on Tuesday 16 December to view and comment on the publicity pamphlet for the proposed landscape changes to Beverley Park.
The amended pamphlet was circulated to residents in late January at it is proposed that the responses will be discussed at a further meeting of the Committee in early February. A full report detailing the Committee's recommendations will be presented to the March meeting of the Board.
Recommendation: For information.
Nominations are currently being sought for the above awards. Advertisements have been placed in the Press, Star and local newspapers and the local residents' associations will be advised shortly.
Nominations close on 13 March and it is proposed that the Board will consider those received when it meets on 1 April
Recommendation: For information.
At the 30 October meeting of the Board a deputation was received from Bernie Hansen of the Sumner High Rise Action Group seeking Board assistance towards the costs of engaging a planner to support the group at the Environment Court appeal.
The Board decided to let the matter lie on the table pending further discussions between the group, the Council's Solicitor and Planning staff.
Correspondence has since been received advising that Marine Properties have withdrawn their appeal and the planned apartment block will not now proceed.
Recommendation: That the information be received.
The Board at its 25 November 1997 meeting established its meeting dates and set the venue as being the Linwood Service Centre.
At the recent planning meeting of the Board (27 January 1998) members expressed a desire to hold three of this years meetings at alternative locations.
It was suggested that arrangements be made to hold the March meeting of the Board in the Timber Chamber of the Provincial Chambers; the April meeting at Nga Hau E Wha National Marae, and the June meeting at a venue in the Ferrymead Ward.
Officer's Recommendation: | That the Board confirm the above venues. |
Chairperson's Recommendation: | Not seen by the Chairperson |
The following application for a renewal of a liquor licence in or adjacent to residential properties has been received:
Linwood Rugby Union Football Club - 56 Kearneys Road
Present Hours of Operation
Sunday from 11.00am to 9.00pm
Public Holidays from 11.00am to 11.00pm
Saturday from 11.00am to 11.00pm
Friday from 5.00pm to 11.00pm
Monday to Thursday from 6.00pm to 10.00pm
Requested Hours of Operation
Same as existing.
Recommendation: That the information be received.
The attached schedule details the Board's allocations to date.
For information a total of $43,600 is available for allocation.
The Chairperson has requested that members consider possible projects suitable for funding and that these be submitted to the Committee Secretary for costings prior to the Board's 24 February meeting.
Chairperson's Recommendation: | That members submit projects for consideration at the 24 February meeting. |