Christchurch City Council
AT 4.00 PM
Community Board: | Barbara Stewart (Chairman), Val Carter, Graham Catley, Cheryl Colley, Pat Harrow, Keith Nuttall, Ian Rivers, Hazel Tait, Ron Wright |
APPOINTMENT 3.1 Papanui Community Watch |
15. | CONTRACT NO 97/98-208
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the reports of the Special Board meeting of 20 November and the Ordinary meeting of the Board held on 25 November 1997, as circulated, be confirmed. |
Brian Palmer, Chairperson of Papanui Community Watch will be present to speak in support of an application made for funding assistance toward annual operating costs and the purchase of further equipment.
The sum of $1,000 has been applied for with a request for a similar amount also being made to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board.
Circulated separately to members is an explanatory letter from Mr Palmer and the organisation's latest financial statement.
Inspector Graeme Cairns will be in attendance.
Officer responsible | Author |
Environmental Policy and Planning Manager | Stephanie Styles, Assistant Transportation Planner |
Corporate Plan Output: Transport Policy and Advice |
The purpose of this report is to encourage Community Boards to put forward submissions on the Public Transport Strategy Discussion Document.
As the City grows, there is becoming more and more concern over the growth in traffic volumes on the City's roads and the effect that this is having on society. A few of the effects that we are presently noticing are air pollution, traffic congestion in peak periods, safety concerns, splitting of neighbourhoods, private and public costs and loss of amenity. It is predicted that this growth in traffic volumes will continue and that the effects on the City will intensify.
As a result, the Christchurch City Council and the Canterbury Regional Council have been involved in developing a Public Passenger Transport Strategy. This strategy aims to inform the public on the issues involved, to encourage their support of the public transport system, and to develop options for improvements to the system, in order to plan for the future of the public transport system.
Copies of the Public Transport Strategy Discussion Document entitled "Two Futures - One Choice" have been distributed to Board members and many individuals and groups around the City, and it is hoped that they will let us know their thoughts on the future of the public transport system. There will be public meetings held around the City during February, and members of the Community Board are welcome to attend these. The meeting for the Fendalton/Waimairi area is on Tuesday 16 February, 7.00pm in the Board Room, Fendalton Service Centre.
Staff from the City and Regional Councils will be attending this meeting of the Board to discuss this work and the Board is encouraged to put forward a submission on the discussion document.
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the matter of a Board submission on the Public Transport Strategy Discussion Document be considered by the Plans Committee following the public meeting and a report made back to the Board in March. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Water Services Manager | Rachel Barker and Christine Heremaia |
Corporate Plan Output: Water Services Capital Outputs: Asset Improvements Ref: 9.3.39 |
The purpose of this report is for the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board to:
It will be useful to examine the community consultation process, as well as issues associated with work at Wairarapa Stream throughout 1996-97.
Waterway Enhancement Process for Community Consultation
This is the standard process used for community consultation in priority waterway enhancement projects. The steps for the standard process are as follows (note that all steps are applicable to Wairarapa Stream except Step 9, having a community planting day):
1. A personal letter or public notice is sent to all streamside residents inviting them to join a waterway enhancement process for their stream.
Wairarapa Stream 1995 before Enhancement Work
Wairarapa Stream, 1995 before Enhancement Work
Wairarapa Stream Workshop, Sept 1996
2. An invitation is sent to Community Board members and all streamside residents to join a public workshop, which is held locally.
The purpose is to develop a community vision and a range of suggestions, ideas and feedback for restoring the local stream.
Wairarapa Stream Newsletter, Oct 1996
3. A newsletter is sent to all streamside residents and Community Board members after the public workshop, summarising the vision and all suggestions raised at the workshop. What happens next is discussed in the newsletter. Newsletter updates are mailed out on a regular basis.
4. All streamside residents are consulted individually on-site to ascertain their aspirations and needs for waterway enhancement at their property.
5. Each individual streamside resident has a landscape concept plan detailed for their property, after close and detailed individual consultation.
Wairarapa Stream Land Tenure
6. Throughout Steps 4 and 5, Council staff examine land ownership issues and establish what is either public or private land.
Enhancing public land is clearly a priority for work. Note however, that the greatest proportion of waterways in Christchurch are on private land. Therefore detailed consultation is necessary for work with each individual land owner.
Where possible, easements, covenants and other forms of legal protection are actively sought to protect enhancement work.
7. In many waterway enhancement schemes, residents meet as neighbours on site and
discuss the completed concept plan as a group.
A date for site preparation and planting is decided and often, a community planting day is arranged.
Rubbish and Weed Removal
8. Many sites are covered in weeds and rubbish that need removing. Depending on the situation, most of the heavy and difficult site preparation is completed by contractors. Where appropriate, streambank regrading may occur.
The site is ready to plant in either Autumn or Spring.
9. In most situations a community planting day (or days) is held very successfully.
Many times there are too many plants or too difficult digging and contractors will complete much of the planting.
Note Winter Stream Flows
10. A contract is let to establish plants (lasting anywhere from six months to two years depending on the site).
In most situations, residents agree to maintain and care for the plants on or near their property along the waterway in the long term.
Council staff maintain a database and regularly check planted sites for progress.
Recent View of Plantings
looking towards Reserve, Jan 1998
This is the standard community consultation process with all steps followed at Wairarapa Stream except Step 9. However, there are other consultation processes that are available. The Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board may wish to take a lead and develop a process suitable to their area.
Background: Wairarapa Stream
Wairarapa Stream is one of several streams in the Fendalton area that still remain in a fairly natural state, meandering its way to eventually join the Avon River. It is an ephemeral stream, typically carrying substantial flows after rain, while being dry in summer in the upper reaches.
Wairarapa Stream has excellent potential for restoration due to its unmodified nature, and largely natural state. It has been somewhat neglected in parts, accumulating significant rubbish (eg old sheds, dumped bikes and other rubbish) and in places being overrun with weeds such as convolvulus, ivy and aluminium plant. In places graffiti is a problem.
It is a priority for enhancement, including cleaning up rubbish, weeds and graffiti, and by creating an asset for future generations.
There are several issues associated with Wairarapa Stream, outlined in a Board memorandum dated 30 October 1997. Issues raised are as follows:
1. Review criteria applicable to waterway enhancement programme in Fendalton/Waimairi area.
Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board could review the community consultation process and suggest improvements. How would the Board like to lead this process? An appropriate consultation process will help develop criteria applicable to waterway enhancement in the Fendalton/Waimairi area.
2. (a) Petition from Wairarapa Stream Residents - Was it referred to Board when received?
The sequence of events that lead up to and following the petition were as follows:
- 10 December 1996
Residents of the first stage of the project met on site at the local reserve to discuss a very general concept plan developed by Landscape Architect, Louisa Davies. This was an `ideal' vision with no fences and views to the waterway. This was only a starting point for further discussion. At the meeting, a time and place to come back to the residents was made in order to discuss the project. The date decided was 11 February 1997. The time lapse was to give each resident time to consult with their family from which discussions could proceed.
- Received Petition
The Fendalton/Waimairi Community Manager was informed and a copy was sent to all the members of the Board. Community Board members were invited to the next meeting with several attending, including Councillors Ron Wright and Pat Harrow. Councillor Wright gave a very helpful and useful lead by facilitating the meeting.
- 11 February 1997
Public meeting at St Stephens Hall facilitated by Community Board members.
(b) Land Ownership - Issues of land ownership and access should be clarified and finalised before further expenditure
Enhancement has only occurred on Crown Land including that area where AMF rights may apply. It is not within private property.
Land ownership is particularly complicated along Wairarapa Stream. To date, there has been no other stream in Christchurch that has presented such complex matters, particularly relating to AMF (ad medium filum) rights. This is an important and difficult land tenure sitatuion to clarify in Christchurch. The Wairarapa Stream is a test case from which the Council can clarify other AMF related issues which may well apply elsewhere in Christchurch.
In Wairarapa Stream, land tenure cannot be resolved until the Crown land has a title. In order to do this the Council needs to identify property boundaries, the midline and their relationship to natural features.
It will be a long, slow process which is why the work is being undertaken in stages. To date, only the first stage has been completed and the location of the midline is still to be resolved with Land Information New Zealand. This will be done once the whole area has been surveyed.
(c) Funding - Why does Council meet costs without clarifying legal access matters?
People have a legal right for access over Crown land. However, with this waterway enhancement project, access is being discouraged over the Crown land by not including walkways through this area and by placing a temporary fence by the bridge within the reserve.
The Council has paid for those fences that have had to be relocated and the owner has agreed to the condition that this is a see-through style fence.
A standard approach is to develop a `demonstration site' to show residents what stream improvements can be like in their area. This is a successful and popular approach with residents who see some early results for time spent on consultation with the Council, and was used along a section of Wairarapa Stream.
As mentioned, Wairarapa Stream is particularly complicated in terms of land tenure. Land Information New Zealand has agreed for the Crown land that cannot be claimed for AMF rights to be vested in the Council. This can only occur once the area has been surveyed.
(d) Waterway Enhancement - Meaning of the Term
Please refer to attached (Members only) brochure which is readily available to all streamside residents. This has been widely distributed on waterway enhancement projects.
(e) Consultation - To ensure residents have a real choice in the selection of planting
A consultation process selected by and developed with the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board will ensure choice in the selection of planting types. Planting selection is being addressed more fully by Council staff developing the Natural Environment Strategy.
(f) Tree Removal - The removal of some exotic trees along Wairarapa Stream is considered totally inappropriate
A general principle of the Waterway Enhancement Programme is to retain all healthy trees on site, either exotic or native. Trees are only removed when:
- They pose a weed problem
- They are diseased or dangerous
- An owner has discussed or requested removal with staff, and
agreements are reached to remove vegetation. This was the
situation in Wairarapa Stream regarding the Douglas Fir removal.
3. Submit Landscape Plans to Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board
The Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board has had significant involvement in the Wairarapa Stream project and will continue to be fully involved with future waterway enhancement projects in their area. Their chosen consultation process will ensure effective Board and community consultation in waterway enhancement projects.
Recommendations: | That in the Fendalton/Waimairi area, the
Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board either:
The Chairman's Comments: | Having regard to steps 1 to 10 of the consultation process and the role of Boards as described in steps 2, 3 & 9, I would endorse this programme as providing a practical and common sense approach to this matter and accordingly support recommendation 1. above. |
Chairman's Recommendation: |
That the report be received and recommendation 1. above be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Bruce Meder/Ingrid de Meyer |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Services |
The purpose of this report is to introduce this research project to Board members and to seek support and the reallocation of funds to enable the project to be broadened geographically and include the Fendalton/Waimairi Ward areas.
In September 1997 a discussion took place between the Shirley/Papanui Community Board Chairperson (Yvonne Palmer) and the Papanui High School Executive Officer (Wendy Mathews). Papanui High School had recognised an increase in the numbers of Asian students enrolled at the school. There was an understanding that the needs of these students and the communities in which they lived were not being met. At the same time Papanui High School were employing a Chinese woman (Helena Zhang) as a teacher aide who was interested in conducting some research into the needs of Asian communities.
A proposal to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board for funding to enable some research to be done into the need of Asian Communities in Papanui was successful.
A series of meetings with various stakeholders and leaders of Asian communities were conducted. It became very apparent from these meetings that to focus the research in Papanui only was ineffectual as people from Asian backgrounds tended to identify ethnically rather than geographically.
Phase I
As a result of these meetings and discussions amongst the committee overseeing the research, the focus for the research has been confined to high school students and their parents/guardians. Further, the research will identify key issues that may need to be taken up in a second phase on a metropolitan basis. However, to adequately research the needs of Asian youth and their families there is a need to broaden the geographical scope to include the Waimairi/Fendalton and Riccarton/Wigram wards, due to the large numbers of Asians residing in these areas.
Local Demographic Data Fendalton/Waimairi
There are 3,537 Asian residents in the Fendalton/Waimairi Ward areas (1996 Census data) of which the majority 2,190 (8.6%) reside in the Waimairi Ward, this compares to (4.1%) city wide.
There are six secondary schools in the Fendalton/Waimairi area: Burnside High, St Andrews College, Christchurch Boys' High, Christchurch Girls' High, St Margaret's College and Rangi Ruru Girls School. Burnside High School has approximately 500 Asian students, predominantly from Korea, East Malaysia and Taiwan. Other local high schools also have Asian students but far fewer numbers (December 1997).
The purpose of this research is to assist or enable Asian Communities, providers and funders to more effectively meet the needs of Asian youth in Christchurch (refer attached Research Brief pink pages.)
This relates to the Christchurch City Council Community Development and Social Well Being Policy, especially in light of the above and in response to:
The Community Activities Officer Fendalton, in consultation with Barbara Stewart (Chair) gained initial support for this project.
In order to undertake this research within the three Board areas $4,000 is required from each Board. Note: the Shirley/Papanui Community Board had agreed to this amount previously.
There is currently $4,000 in the 1997/98 budget designated for 'Research in Avonhead'. Board members may recall this was identified as a project regarding a community facility. Avonhead area crosses both Fendalton and Riccarton wards and the project was put on hold pending the review of the Waimairi Community Centre (managed by Sockburn Service Centre staff). This review is not envisaged to be undertaken this calendar year.
Wendy Walker (Papanui High School), Helena Zhang (Asian Researcher) and Bruce Meder (Community Activities Officer, Papanui Service Centre, and Project Manager) will be attendance to address any questions.
Recommendations: |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendations be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Ingrid de Meyer, Community Activities Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Activities |
The purpose of this report is to advise the Board that the above research which was required to assist with the relocating of the Cotswold Preschool and Nursery as per Council's Childcare Policy 1993 is no longer required to be undertaken.
Board members will recall Cotswold Creche is based in a St Gregory's Church facility in Colesbury Street, Bishopdale. St Gregory's Church was planning to redevelop the church hall and associated land the creche is currently based in.
The St Gregory's Committee had indicated that the cost of retaining the church hall facility versus the selling off of the parcel(s) of land would be a better financial option for them long term and therefore were going to proceed with that option. The Research Project was identified as somewhat urgent given the unsure future location of the creche, timeframes and processes for the relocation.
However in December 1997 the St Gregory's Committee advised that they have reconsidered (given their feasibility study outcomes) and now wish to incorporate the creche in the new development.
It should be noted that there may be some research follow-up required, and that the current facility may require some upgrade to the service area. Details at this stage are inconclusive, and it appears any follow-up won't occur before the end of our financial year.
Recommendations: |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the above recommendations be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Barbara Lindsay, Committee Secretary |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Activities 6.5 text 5 |
The purpose of this report is to inform all Community Boards of progress towards holding Neighbourhood Week over the whole of Christchurch during 1-7 March.
The concept of Neighbourhood Week originated in a report to the Shirley/Papanui Community Board on 29 October 1997, when Sue Wells suggested a strategy for the Board to implement which might encourage better neighbourhoods.
A committee of the Shirley/Papanui Community Board with power to act was appointed on 24 November to further the concept and was given authority to spend up to $4,000. This committee has since met on three occasions, on 10 and 16 December and 20 January.
Neighbourhood Support Groups
It was decided that an initial step was to effect an update of the Police list of Neighbourhood Support Group (NSG) co-ordinators and that a person be employed on a Task Force Green scheme for six months in a partnership between the Papanui Police and the Shirley/Papanui Community Board to do this. Mr Chris O'Connor was selected to carry out this work and he commenced his work at the Papanui Police Station on 12 January.
Members will recall that in November 1996 an approach from the Police asked each Community Board to contribute $2,165 to perform a similar task. Mr O'Connor has reported that the programme established during this earlier project has not been updated; in addition it is not a user-friendly system and therefore not suitable for mail-merging purposes. He also said that the system is not capable of selecting groups by Council ward boundaries, although an update of the Police NSG database nationally is proposed some time in the future, which will make this possible. Advice has been received that the programme is able to be loaded onto a Word-based programme. Chris is currently working to familiarise himself with the database and enter the backlog of material. The committee has asked that the circular to all NSG co-ordinators be sent by 30 January.
During the November 1997 round of meetings approval was sought from other Community Boards to have the co-ordinators list updated in their wards, although initially the update is to be carried out in the Shirley/Papanui and Fendalton/Waimairi wards. Boards will be asked to contribute towards the cost of postage and stationery and possibly towards the salary top-up of the Task Force Green worker if it is found necessary for the work to run beyond the six month time limit.
The Papanui Police have undertaken to ensure that the list is kept up-to-date in the future and have said that it may be used by the Community Boards to disseminate information within their Wards. The Police, however, wish to retain control of the list of NSG co-ordinators under the requirements of the Privacy Act. Since the restructuring of the role of Policing, it has become the responsibility of the Community Constables to maintain contact with these groups through the co-ordinator and to facilitate the establishment of new NSGs where there are seen to be 'gaps'.
Metropolitan Event
At the November meetings Boards were asked to give their approval in principle to the concept of Neighbourhood Week. They are now being asked for their support and input into the process of using this week as a launching time for a number of community initiatives in order to improve communication between households.
The committee has worked to formulate and refine the content of a circular to be sent to the NSG co-ordinators, and the letters to residents and other community groups throughout Christchurch to ensure that Neighbourhood Week becomes a metropolitan event during the week 1 - 7 March 1998. To this end representatives from the other Boards have been invited to attend and participate in committee meetings.
While the circular to all NSG co-ordinators in Christchurch will be sent from the Papanui Police, in conjunction with a letter from the Police requesting additional information in regard to their communities, those to other community groups will be issued from the various Service Centres.
Each Community Board will be responsible for any initiatives and ideas to promote the concept of Neighbourhood Week.
Community Board member, Sue Wells, has undertaken responsibility for city wide media coverage of Neighbourhood Week and has advised that there are unlikely to be any associated costs. However, each Community Board may wish to include publicity in the local newspapers which serve their ward areas.
Recommendation: | That the Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board supports and promotes the concept of Neighbourhood Week as a strategy to encourage better neighbourhoods. |
The Community Manager comments: | The concept of neighbourhood week was raised informally with Board Members following the Traffic Safety Committee meeting on 10 December. I subsequently wrote to Board members outlining that the Board could participate in the programme but with the costs (which are minimal) being met from the Service Centre budget. |
In summary it is proposed to: |
There is also an opportunity to embrace the concept of Neighbourhood Week in the promotion of the Board's Cultural Event at Jellie Park on 1 March. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted and the above action plan for the Fendalton/Waimairi area be supported. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Roz Rickerby, Assistant Community Activities Officer |
Corporate Plan Output: Community Activities |
The purpose of this report is to inform Board members of the outcome of the Waimairi Study Awards application process for the 1997 year.
Nine applications were received for the Awards, all of which were of a high calibre.
The selection committee comprising of a representative from each of the four affected Community Boards (Fendalton/Waimairi, Riccarton/Wigram, Shirley/Papanui, Burwood/Pegasus), considered the applications. It was agreed that interviews were not required this year. Four were chosen to be awarded the grants.
The selection committee had $8,140 to distribute this financial year. They chose to award a total of $7,680 and the remaining $460 was carried over for next years round.
The recipients were awarded in the Arts, and Sports and Recreation categories. No one was awarded in the Academic category this year.
The awards were presented on Friday 5 December at the Papanui Service Centre.
The recipients were as follows:
Arts Category
1. | David Sheard | To study at the London Academy of Music
and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) $2,000 |
Sport and Recreation Category
2. | David Schaper | To travel to the rowing world cup and
world championship events. Awarded $2,500 |
3. | Kirsten Titheridge | To travel to the Triathlon world
championships. Awarded $1,450 |
4. | Christina Hewitt | Surf lifesaving training camp in
Australia as a lead up to the surf lifesaving Tri Series
between New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Awarded $1,750 |
Recommendation: | That the information be received. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Brian Boddy, Area Engineer. |
Corporate Plan Output: Signs and markings |
The purpose of this report is to provide feedback from the publicity pamphlet distributed in December 1997.
Members may recall that the proposal included the proposed installation of a no parking restriction on the eastern side of Greers Road from Cottesmore Close to the start of the existing no parking restriction approaching the Memorial Avenue intersection to enable cycle lanes to be provided because surveys have shown it to be a cycle route.
Christ the King church have advised that they require parking for at least three cars in front of the church entrance for weddings, funerals, and the disabled.
With the proposed painted median, there is not enough room for on street parking and a cycle lane on this section of the road without constructing a parking bay.
Recommendation: | That City Streets staff further investigate the situation and provide, if possible, a solution that meets the need for a cycle lane and on street parking. |
The Chairman Comments: | Whilst reviewing the wider issues elaborated on above, it is most important for safety reasons that the two refuges previously agreed to by the Board, be installed as soon as possible. When the report on the other matters is available it can then be referred to the Traffic Safety Committee for consideration including appropriate consultation and a report made back to the Board. |
Chairman's Recommendation: |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Peter Dow |
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Vol 1, 3.1 Text 7 |
The purpose of this report is to submit the outcomes of the Committee's meeting held on 10 December 1997.
Matters considered included traffic safety at both Westburn and Harewood Schools, a review of on-street parking in Akela Street, the provision of a give way control at the Guys/Ryans Roads intersection and the existing taxi stand arrangements in Ilam Road at the Fendalton Village. Also addressed was parking in the Normans Road area around St Andrews College and the provision of a bus shelter in Papanui Road near Heaton Street.
A copy of the Committee's report is attached (yellow paper).
Recommendation: | That the report be received and the recommendations therein be approved and adopted. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Peter Dow |
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Vol 1, 3.1 Text 7 |
The purpose of this report is to submit for the Board's consideration the outcomes of the traffic calming workshop held on 21 January.
A copy of the Committee's report is attached (buff paper).
On the specific issue of traffic restraints, members will recall the Board's earlier decisions (October 1997) that the proposed thresholds at Knowles/Papanui and Beverley/Papanui be deferred and considered as part of the Board's review and establishment of guidelines for thresholds.
Subject to the adoption of the guidelines set out in the Committee's report, it is proposed that the above two projects be further reviewed by the Committee during February.
Recommendations: |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the above recommendations be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Stephen Phillips |
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Vol 1, 3.1 Text 7 |
The purpose of this report is to consider sources of funding for the proposed bus shelter on the Papanui Road frontage of the property situated at 171 Heaton Street.
The Traffic Safety Committee at its meeting held on 10 December, supported the provision of the bus shelter (at the estimated cost of $15,000) and requested that funding sources be reported to this meeting (refer clause 12 of this agenda). The Committee was keen to see the shelter installed at an early date.
As the Board has allocated all but $140 of its 1997/98 discretionary funds an opportunity has been taken to review this year's project and discretionary funding allocations to see whether currently funded works could be reallocated or delayed on the understanding the funding would be provided through the 1998/99 project/discretionary funds if necessary.
The following were identified as possible funding sources:
Fendalton Library/School Carpark Improvements $12,000
Arising from discussions with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the School Principal, the Board of Trustees is to look at alternatives to the carpark extension to achieve a better drop off point. Given that the library is to be relocated to the Service Centre site there would also be merit in reviewing the need for the carpark extensions once the alternative use for the current library building has been determined.
Cotswold Creche Relocation Study $6,000
The Community Activities Officer has reported (refer clause 8) that the question of accommodation for the Cotswold Creche has been resolved and therefore the relocation study is no longer needed.
City Streets $10,000
The City Streets Unit has indicated that it will be in a position to fund the cost of the shelter ($10,000) after 1 July 1998.
Recommendation: | That if the Board supports the early installation of the bus shelter on the Papanui Road frontage of 171 Heaton Street, the works be funded if necessary, by re-allocation of $6,000 currently set aside for the Cotswold Creche Relocation Study and re-allocation of $9,000 (of the $12,000) set aside for the Fendalton Library/School Carpark Improvements, on the understanding that the City Streets Unit will reimburse $10,000 in the new financial year. |
Chairman's Recommendations: |
Officer responsible | Author |
City Streets Manager | Design Engineer Roading, Stuart McHugh |
Corporate Plan Output: Page 9.5.48 |
The purpose of this report is to obtain Board approval for acceptance of a tender which is above the $300,000 authority delegated to Council Officers.
The contract is for the construction of drainage works, kerbs and channels, asphaltic concrete paths, grassed berms, landscaping, road shoulder and carriageway reconstruction in Glandovey Road from Bryndwr Road to Idris Road.
Tender prices have been received as follows:
Tender Price | Weighted Attribute Score | |
Works Operations Unit | $428,927.94 | 67 |
Francis Construction | $486,709.60 | 58 |
Task Earthmoving | $489,798.78 | 55 |
Local Construction Limited | $504,993.45 | 55 |
Technic Canterbury | $529,500.00 | 52 |
All prices exclude GST.
These prices include a contingency sum of $50,000 and the work is for a twenty-two (22) week period.
The estimate for the work was $600,000. The budget allocation is $620,000 which includes professional fees and service relocations.
The standard roadworks information leaflet has been circulated inviting comments relating to the project and all enquiries and comments from residents and others have been satisfactorily resolved. No changes have had to be made to the design shown on the publicity leaflet.
Stephen Matheson of Works Operations Unit has given an assurance that the work can be completed within the specified time.
Recommendation: | That the tender with the highest weighted attribute score of Works Operations Unit for the sum of $428,927.94 be accepted. |
Deputy Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Authors |
City Streets Manager | Peter Dow and Dennis Preston |
Corporate Plan Output: Capital Works 9.5.48 |
The purpose of this report is to have the Board review the landscape plan for the portion of Glandovey Road to be reconstructed between Bryndwr and Idris Roads.
In June 1997 as part of its assessment of the intended works the Board inter alia, requested that the streetscape design for the project when available, be submitted to the Board. This aspect was reinforced last November when the Board resolved that landscape plans for this likes of roading works be submitted to the Board for perusal.
The presentation of the attached plan (white paper) for Glandovey Road is therefore in response to this request.
Glandovey Road is one of Christchurch's older streets. It has a number of historic buildings, structures and trees. Several houses (and settings) along Glandovey Road are protected (Group 3 & 4) and there are many trees listed as Notable in the City Plan.
The current planting along Glandovey Road reflects this historic setting as well encompassing some more modern trends. Many of the properties have extensive plantings and garden areas along their road frontages, while others are enclosed by hedges. Stone walls border several properties along their road frontage near the intersection with Idris Road.
Existing plants are predominantly exotic, with some native trees, shrubs and groundcover. Mature trees are mainly deciduous and from the Northern Hemisphere with some evergreen conifers and other exotics. The height of the mature trees creates a strong link and sense of enclosure along Glandovey Road. This is offset against an evergreen backdrop of shrubs and New Zealand natives. Contrasting colour is provided seasonally by flowering shrubs and trees as well as deciduous trees.
To provide landscaping that maintains and enhances the existing character of Glandovey Road following its reconstruction, while minimising disturbance to existing vegetation.
The planting plan for Glandovey Road is to retain as many of the existing plant features as functionally possible while enhancing the setting from the footpath and roadway. The main objectives of the planting plan are:
Retain existing mature trees and shrubs except where it is physically impossible to locate adequate path width and existing trees. Trees that are diseased and a possible hazard to pedestrians will be removed and replaced
Provision of additional street trees that will strengthen the linkages along Glandovey Road.
Use of flowering trees and shrubs to provide seasonal variety and colour that complements existing planting.
Retention of stone walls along Glandovey Road.
To improve safety at all crossings and intersections.
A number of property owners and residents of Glandovey Road were consulted during the preparation of the planting plan. The planting plan is a combination of grassed frontages, flowering groundcover, shrubs and trees. Plants have been chosen that echo existing planting in the gardens and road frontages along Glandovey Road, including flowering exotic and native shrubs and groundcover. Planting from Stage One of Glandovey Road Reconstruction has been carried through to these works.
Where fences and hedges are being removed remaining trees and shrubs need to be trimmed back and limbed up. To maintain the privacy of residents taller shrub planting is used at the back of borders. Dense planting has been avoided at road intersections along Glandovey Road so not to obstruct sight lines. Lower plant material is used along the footpath edges.
Additional trees are to be planted on the already established grassed berms, where properties have previously had boundaries set back. New trees will be staked and all new planting beds will be mulched.
All protected trees and settings are not affected by the proposal and only one substantial tree at 97A Glandovey Road, is to be removed. The tree is not in good health and will be further stressed by the new footpath. A new tree will be planted in its place.
The planting plan for Glandovey Road maintains the current character of the street and enhances the pedestrian and residential setting. The principal ways this has been achieved are:
Minimal disturbance to existing vegetation.
Use of flowering shrubs and trees to provide spring and summer interest while complementing existing vegetation and Stage One, Glandovey Road planting.
A minimal number of trees are to be removed to allow for reconstruction of Glandovey Road.
Mature trees to be removed are being replaced.
Additional street trees are being planted.
Recommendation: | That the landscape plan for Glandovey Road be endorsed. |
Deputy Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Stephen Phillips |
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Vol 1,3.1 text 7 |
The purpose of this report is to acquaint the Board of an approach by the Christchurch Beautifying Association for a community based planting project to be undertaken in Memorial Avenue to mark the new millennium.
Following an approach to Graham Catley by the Association, informal discussions have been held between Barbara Stewart, Pat Harrow and Graham Catley, as Board representatives, Messrs David Moyle and John Walsh of the Christchurch Beautifying Association and Lee McNicholl and Nick Owers of Christchurch International Airport Ltd.
A preliminary meeting to discuss the general concept was held on 20 November and a site meeting to determine the extent of a possible project was held on 16 December.
Arising from the second meeting a preferred option of undertaking planting on and adjacent to the Memorial Avenue/Russley Road roundabout was considered and supported by those present.
Other adjacent land owners have been approached to determine whether they too could be involved in the project should it proceed. To date the General Manager of the Russley Golf Club has indicated that she is confident that the Club could organise a one off working bee to help with plantings. A reply from the owners of the property on the south east corner of the intersection is awaited.
Staff of the Airport Company (Nick Owers) are currently developing a planting/gardening plan for costing and assessment and the costs of extending the irrigation systems are also being investigated.
One of the key issues for success of the project is to ensure that stock is available and therefore bulbs and plants need to be acquired well before the time of planting.
The representatives are scheduled to meet again on 17 March.
Recommendation: | That the information be received and that the Board consider allocating funds for a Year 2000 Project(s) at the time it allocates its project funds for 1998/99. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Community Manager | Peter Dow |
Corporate Plan Output: Fendalton/Waimairi Community Board Vol 1,3.1 text 7 |
The purpose of this report is to make arrangements for the allocation of the Board's project funds for the 1998/99 period.
In previous years the task of allocating funds to identified projects has rested with the Annual Plan Committee who normally convene each February for this purpose.
This year the Board is required to determine its allocations by early March for inclusion then in the draft Plan for 1998/99. To achieve this timetable therefore, the Committee will need to meet about mid February and report through to the next Board meeting on 3 March.
Recommendation: | That the Annual Plan Committee convene during February to allocate the project funds for 1998/99 and report back to the March Board meeting. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
Officer responsible | Author |
Environmental Services Manager | Bob Pritchard |
Corporate Plan Output: Street Names |
The purpose of this report is to gain the approval by the Board for a new road name.
The above subdivision creates sixteen new residential allotments, and one new cul-de-sac off Hawthornden Road. (refer attached green paper).
The applicants have proposed the name Henridge Place for the cul-de-sac. No explanation has been provided as to the reasons for the choice of name, however the property has been used as a chicken farm, and the owners name is Stuthridge, so the name has possibly been chosen to include a reference to the use of the property, and part of the owners' name. The name does not conflict with any existing Christchurch street name.
Recommendation: | That the name Henridge Place be approved for use for the new subdivision road at 130 Hawthornden Road. |
Chairman's Recommendation: | That the foregoing recommendation be adopted. |
The Board Chairman has asked that at the conclusion of each Board meeting (open section) the opportunity be provided for members and staff to highlight details of any good news or other significant events occurring in the community that they may wish to share with the Board.