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Christchurch City Scene
May 2003

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Landfill decision good for region

New Gallery proof our city is all growed up

Landfill environmentally safe

Recycling at public events

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All welcome at Gallery opening

All welcome at Gallery opening
Dotting the I’s:
Mel Thornbury of Signtech puts the final touches to the city’s new art gallery.

Prime Minister Helen Clark will open the city’s new art gallery, Te Puna o Waiwhetu, at around 10.30 on Saturday morning and the doors will be thrown open to the public soon afterwards. Organisers of the two-day opening celebrations say everyone is welcome to attend.

The formal part of the opening starts at 10am, with speeches by the Prime Minister, Mayor Garry Moore and Gallery Director Tony Preston. The Christchurch Symphony will be on hand in the morning and will accompany renowned Kiwi opera singer Dame Malvina Major.

The symphony and its special guest stars kick off a selection of local talent which will entertain until 4pm on Saturday and from 10am to 3pm on Sunday.

Among the entertainment over the two days are the local Smokefree Rockquest finalists, Maori and other cultural performance and dance groups, brass and pipe bands and performances by Circo Arts and various jazz groups.

Sunday’s festivities include a special 10am welcoming blessing at the Cathedral.

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