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Christchurch City Scene
June 2003

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Draft alcohol policy out for public comment

The Christchurch City Council is developing a draft alcohol policy aimed at reducing alcohol-related problems in our community.

To do this fairly and effectively, it wants hear what people think about the issues raised in a discussion document that has been posted on the Council’s Have Your Say website, at This document will also be available from Council service centres and libraries and has been sent to groups and individuals known have a special interest in alcohol-related issues.

The document is about taking a serious stance on reducing alcohol abuse, Klaus public comment Prusas, the Council’s Environmental Effects Team Leader says. “ It also recognises the city’s significant hospitality industry, which provides a substantial economic contribution to the city.”

In the document, questions are asked around five major areas: use of legislation, use of liquor bans and bylaws, building and strengthening relationships, use of education and advertising and sponsorship on Council property.

Anyone making a submission is asked to bear in mind that the Council has functions and legal responsibilities in regard to the Sale of Liquor Act, the City Plan and the Resource Management Act. It also has a role in promoting the social, economic, environmental and cultural well being of the community, a function required of it under the Local Government Act 2002.

  • Comments or submissions on the document must be with the Council by 14 July 2003. These can be made on the Have Your Say website or by writing to Klaus Prusas, team leader environmental effects, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch.
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