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Christchurch City Scene
December 2003

Lead Stories

Gambling in our city

Film friendly Christchurch

Outside review of electoral system

Christchurch beach water quality


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Protecting your property from fire

Minimising the risk to your home from scrub and other fires is a bright idea. Keith Marshall, the City Council's Risk Management Officer and Principal Rural Fire Officer, says that with the summer fire season approaching it is a good time for homeowners to inspect their properties and cut down the risk of a fire sweeping away their most important asset.

"There are many areas around the city where there is a risk from scrub fires and we'd like those people to do what they can to protect their properties," Mr Marshall says. Homeowners can improve the chances of city and rural fire fighting units being able to save their properties. The first step is to reduce the amount of available fuel, especially around the house.

"The idea is to look at the area around your house and imagine if a fire was approaching," Mr Marshall says. "What could you clean up ormove? It's good to clear away material like long dry grass, dead branches from shrubs and trees, piles of plant cuttings, firewood stacked against the house and think about removing any dry woody shrubs or trees alongside the home." It also makes sense to remove any branches hanging over roofs, keep gutters clear of dead leaves and other material and keep lawns well maintained.

People living in the rural parts of the city should ensure their gateways are correctly numbered in case fire fighters need to find them. They should also think about whether there is sufficient access for fire engines.

The City Council is now preparing an information pamphlet about plants which are less flammable. For more information about fire restrictions and the city's various fire districts, call into any Council service centre and ask for the Outdoor Rubbish Fire Calendar, or look online at Remove anything near the home that a scrub fire could feed on.

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