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Christchurch City Scene
December 2003

Lead Stories

Gambling in our city

Film friendly Christchurch

Outside review of electoral system

Christchurch beach water quality


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Prostitution response

The Council has received about 1500 public submissions in response to a questionnaire on prostitution issues. “This fantastic response will greatly assist the Council’s Prostitution Reform Act Subcommittee to consider what, if any new regulations should be introduced as a result of the passing of the Act earlier this year,” says Councillor Sue Wells, chairperson of the Council’s Regulatory and Consents Committee.

After considering the submissions, the Subcommittee is to make its recommendations to a special Council meeting on 19 December. Any new regulations that may be recommended by the Subcommittee may relate to the new powers given to the Council, under the Prostitution Reform Act, to regulate the location of brothels and the signage of commercial sexual services.

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