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Christchurch City Scene
December 2003

Lead Stories

Gambling in our city

Film friendly Christchurch

Outside review of electoral system

Christchurch beach water quality


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Major sewer upgrade information online

An online information site at outlines the works planned for the city’s sewerage system. This site is linked to existing project notices and directs readers to key contact people. Another section explains what to expect during construction of a pipeline. There also are displays of information about the projects in the Council’s Service Centre at Linwood and at the Linwood Library.

The major sewer upgrade involves the laying of more than 30km of new pipe. The $36 million, 10-year project is linked to other upgrades around the city — including the treatment plant and oxidation ponds improvements and the ocean outfall pipeline — to improve the quality of treated wastewater, better protect the environment and ensure the system will cope with expected growth.

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