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May 2002

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Submissions called on draft Public Street Enclosures Policy

The Council wants to hear what people thinks of its Public Street Enclosures Policy.

Submissions are being sought on a draft policy that will guide Council decision making on the licensing of public areas for outdoor dining.

The Public Street Enclosures Policy will determine the location and extent of licensed areas and the type of furniture, planters, windbreaks and other enclosing structures permitted.

It will also determine requirements relating to pedestrian access, the size and design of windbreaks, the type and amount of street furniture, umbrellas, canopies, plants and advertising.

City Council urban design and heritage policy planner Neil Carrie says the increase in outdoor eating and drinking in the city adds life, interest and colour to street scenes and enables more people to enjoy the pleasures of dining alfresco.

However, he says the Council, as landowner, needs to consider the private and commercial benefits of licensing public areas for private use as well as the impact on the environment and community.

“If part of a footpath used for private outdoor dining becomes cut off from the street by a fully enclosed windbreak, what is the impact on pedestrians and on the overall street appearance? These are the sorts of questions that the Council has considered when developing this policy,” he says.

The Council can license individual operators to use public spaces, where they can provide complementary services and facilities to enhance the activities of adjoining buildings. The policy applies to all streets and pedestrian-only areas in the city.

Written submissions on the draft policy close on Monday, 13 May, 2002 and should be addressed to the City Streets Unit Manager. There is no official form to complete. Submitters will have the chance to speak to their submission on Monday 27 May (please indicate on your written submission if you wish to speak before the sub-committee). The policy will go before the Council on Thursday 27 June, 2002.

A copy of the draft Public Street Enclosures Policy can be found at or phone Joanne on 941 8953 to have one sent to you.

For more information contact Neil Carrie on 941 8643 or Janet Reeves on 941 8351.

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