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Christchurch City Scene
October 2001

Walkabout for Park Terrace residents

Park Terrace residents will be invited to a special walkabout along the Avon River in mid to late November.

This will be organised by the City Council’s Parks and Waterways Unit to allow residents to examine the issues involved in improving the riverbank. This will be part of the unit’s assessment of the existing management policies and plans for the riverbanks between the Armagh Street Bridge and the Carlton Mill corner, along Park Terrace.

Later a workshop will be held at which residents will be able to put forward their ideas and comments about the future appearance of Park Terrace, including the continued use of willows along that stretch of the river.

Later a concept plan will be developed and it will be included on information boards placed near the Armagh and Carlton Mill bridges.

These will outline the issues and provide information about the proposals.

A survey of trees along this stretch of the road identified the presence of a fungal disease, Armillaria in the soil. The disease is a New Zealand native that attacks the roots of trees, effectively killing and rotting tissue below ground level.

It is affecting the willows along this stretch and its presence could affect the continued viability of maintaining willows.

So comments are being sought on whether the Council replaces the ailing willows or a variety of deciduous trees replace the willows as they need to be removed because of disease.

Another option is to use disease-resistant willows as replacements and treating the soil on the riverbanks to get rid of the fungus.

Also for discussion will be access to the river from the bank — whether to have ramps or keep the banks, as they are, but in a state that is easier to maintain than at present.

Other issues residents think are relevant will be included in the consultation process. Anyone who want to be placed on a mailing list for information about the Park Terrace walkabout, phone Suzanne Weld (9418 490 or email

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