Our Environment: Issue 25 Summer 2000 |
Why sit in the classroom to study New Zealands native bush, those wonderful wetlands, our geological and cultural past, or how garden compost is made, when you can actually experience it?
The Council has been host to many schools that have taken advantage of opportunities to visit Christchurchs parks, waterways, heritage sites and waste facilities. To build on this successful relationship the Council is developing an environmental education programme.
This schools- based programme emphasises hands- on learning, giving students the opportunity to experience their local environment through exciting activities in all curricula learning areas, particularly science, social studies and technology. Students can expect to have their awareness raised, and their ideas and values challenged. They will also be given opportunity to participate in the protection and management of their environment through taking positive action both on site and back in their schools. This empowerment of young people to show concern for and be involved in the future direction of the City is a key objective of the Council, and one that it is keen to see met through student- driven initiatives.
For teachers the programme offers out- of- theclassroom learning experiences which are linked to all learning curricula. Council educators who are involved with site visits are experienced in sharing their knowledge of the area in interesting and age- appropriate ways.
Teaching support is also
available through pre- visit and followup sessions in the classroom to ensure students get
the most from their visits, and to help both teacher and students to identify what actions
they can get involved in. The programme runs for all four terms of the school year, is
available to primary and secondary school students and best of all its free! If you
would like more details you can contact the co- ordinator, Janice Beaumont, by phone (03)
941 8298, fax (03) 941 8987 or email janice.beaumont@ccc.govt.nz
(For bookings see below for programme and direct contact details.)
Students from Rowley School ready to embark on their visit of Travis Wetland. They were the first class to try out the new set of gum boots made available by the programme for such visits. To add to their experience the students planted native vegetation by the track between the Central Ponding Area and Mairehau Road car park. | ![]() |
Education Programme
for learning experiences outside the classroom
Site | Educator | Phone | Fax | |
Beach Parks | Rodney Chambers | 382 9527 | 382 9527 | (rodney.chambers@ccc.govt.nz) rodney.chambers@ccc.govt.nz |
Bromley Refuse Station/ Garden City Composting | Chris Duggan | 384 0812 | 384 0824 | |
Bottle Lake Forest Park | Warren Hunt | 383 2389 | 383 3843 | (warren.hunt@ccc.govt.nz) warren.hunt@ccc.govt.nz |
Botanic Gardens | Brian Appleton | 364 7590 | 366 6836 | |
Halswell Quarry Park | John Moore | 322 4035 | 322 4035 | |
Port Hills Reserves | Paul Devlin | 332 5627 | 332 9689 | (paul.devlin@ccc.govt.nz) paul.devlin@ccc.govt.nz |
Provincial Council Buildings | Jane Ryder | 366 1100 | (jane.ryder@ccc.govt.nz) jane.ryder@ccc.govt.nz | |
Spencer Park/ Brooklands Lagoon | Arthur Adcock | 329 8072 | 329 8072 | |
Styx Mill Conservation Reserve | John Parry | 359 1357 | 359 1357 | (john.parry@ccc.govt.nz) john.parry@ccc.govt.nz |
The Groynes | Wayne Robinson | 323 7699 | 323 9127 | (wayne.robinson@ccc.govt.nz) wayne.robinson@ccc.govt.nz |
Travis Wetland | John Skilton | 382 9527 | 382 9527 | (john.skilton@ccc.govt.nz) john.skilton@ccc.govt.nz |
Our Environment Index |