Our Environment: Issue 25 Summer 2000 |
The recent UN conference on climate
change in The Hague has seen comments on global warming ranging from dire warnings of the
consequences if we do not act, to claims that humans have no influence on climate at all.
Reading available on the subject at Christchurch City Libraries is equally wide ranging.
It includes a variety of interesting items, such as titles by New Zealands own
sceptic Peter Toynbee (Frustrations of a greenhouse dissenter,
Greenhouse: the biggest rort in Christendom), studies on whats likely to
happen to Christchurch (Implications of climate change for Christchurch) and
criticism of New Zealands response to calls for action (Burning issues).
Whatever your opinion, find out more by reading one of these books.
Burning issues: the failure of the New Zealand response to climatic change by Alexander Gillespie (551.6 GIL)
Beating the heat: why and how we must combat global warming by John Berger (363.7387 BER)
Climate change and the global harvest: potential impacts of the greenhouse effect on agriculture by: Cynthia Rosenzweig (338.14 ROS)
Frustrations of a greenhouse dissenter: the scientific solution to a non-existent problem by Peter Toynbee (551.6 TOY) (Reference only)
Greenhouse: the biggest rort in Christendom by Peter Toynbee (551.6 TOY)
Is the temperature rising?: the uncertain science of global warming by S George Philander (551.6 PHI)
Our Environment Index |