Wetlands Restoration Project
Wetlands, with its freshwater springs, salt marsh, mudflats, birds and fish,
is slowly being transformed back to its original state. Development
of the largely unused grazing paddocks situated between Bexley Road and
the Avon River began in April last year, when the Bexley Wetlands Trust
was formed. One of the Trusts aims is to foster community and school
input and increase public awareness of this area through involvement and
education. Regular community planting days are organised by the Trust and
Christchurch City Council. Plants are supplied by the Council, or donated
by Trees for Canterbury, in conjunction with The Warehouse chain.
A draft development
plan being produced by the City Councils Parks Unit will be released
for public comment later this month. One of the biggest concerns is how
to deal with the old scrap metal recovery yard. This ceased to operate
in the1970s but contaminants still remain.
Bexley Wetland is reverting to its natural state, it still has a long
way to go and needs every bit of help and support it can get. If you would
like to contribute to the establishment of this valuable wildlife habitat,
you can get involved in community planting days or offer financial support.
To find out about working parties and other events, and be kept informed
of progress at the wetland, contact Mia Colberts, of the Bexley Wetland
Week was celebrated in late July with a planting near the new Wairoa
St car park. Approximately 50 people arrived with shovels in hand,
and planted 1000 trees.
