from Christchurch City Libraries
'When the well runs
dry, we know the worth of water'. So says Ben Franklin and it is an opinion we might
wisely take notice of. Knowledge is an important component of 'knowing the worth' of
anything and you can find out more about water at your library. Here is some of the
material available.
- On the track of water's secret
by Hans Kronberger (553.7 KRO)
- The Greenpeace book of water by
Klaus Lanz (553.7 LAN)
- Ocean by Miranda Macquitty
(578.77 MCQ)
- Rivers by Terry Jennings
(551.48 JEN)
- Seachange : a message of the
oceans by Sylvia Earle (333.916 EAR)
- The Times Atlas and
Encyclopedia of the sea (551.46 TIM) Reference only
- Water and architecture by
Charles Moore (714 MOO)
- The water wizard : the
extraordinary power of natural water by Viktor Schauberger (553.7 SCH)
- Waterway enhancement :
an introduction to enhancing the streams, creeks and channelised waterways of
Christchurch (333.914 WAT) free video
- Waters of New Zealand (551.48WAT)
