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Our Environment: Issue 18 Autumn 1999

Our Environment: Christchurch City Council's Environmental Newsletter


New rest homes and nursing homes are springing up in residential areas around the City. These homes and other communal living arrangements, such as hostels, often require large buildings which can be difficult to accommodate among traditional suburban houses.

A draft design guide has therefore been prepared to assist owners, designers and developers when proposing a larger than average building in a residential neighbourhood.

The first part of the guide identifies elements that make up the character of Christchurch suburbs such as the standard section size, one and two storey buildings, and a predominance of greenery. New buildings need to be designed to respect this character.

Part Two works through aspects to be considered when designing a new large building. The size, shape and height of the building, the position on the section, the retention of trees and shrubbery and the impact of the proposed building on adjoining properties are all important considerations. Careful attention to these aspects can help ensure that a large building respects both the street scene and neighbours.

Copies of the draft Large Buildings in Lower Density Living Zones Design Guide are available from the Environmental Policy and Planning Unit.

Janet Reeves

Our Environment Index
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