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Top Town try-outs for Canterbury Crushers

24 October 2008

Classic Top Town TV show is making a comeback with try-outs to be a ‘Canterbury Crushers’ team member on next Friday 31 October at Cathedral Square.


The ‘Canterbury Crushers’ are seeking worthy locals who will aid Christchurch’s victory by “crushing” its rival towns and dominating the series.


This is a once-off opportunity to become one of twelve in the hosting city’s team and compete against 15 other Kiwi teams for the title of New Zealand’s Top Town.


Christchurch Top Town wannabe’s must be over 18 to try out for the team and need to impress the judging panel with personality, enthusiasm, and a good level of fitness.


Judges are looking for interesting people to fit the bill that will do our city proud.


Entrants will need to prove their abilities through a set of bizzare obstacles.


Local entertainer Shay Horay aka “Coach” says he’s stoked to see TVNZ bring the iconic show back and to be leading his hometown team.


“I’m glad they’ve bought the show back ‘cos I’ve been training for it since the last show ended.”


Greymouth took the crown in 1990 and were the last Kiwi’s to be known as New Zealand’s ‘Top Town’.


Eyeworks television production company is re-launching the show with 15 teams from around the country competing in Christchurch through an extreme obstacle course.


“It’s obvious why Christchurch is hosting it this year. We got the Krypton Factor, Ellerslie Flower Show, FIFA, so it just makes sense that we get Top Town too,” he said.


“It’s all about fair play and winning. The competition is going to be tough so I want strong, fit people who are up for a challenge. There’s no way Greymouth will take the title twice, not with my level of training, no way!”


Try-outs will take place from 10am – 3.00pm for one day only and entrants must be over 18 and pre-registered to compete.


The Top Town series will be filmed in late November at Christchurch’s recently refurbished sports and recreation centre, Jellie Park.


For those who think they’ve got what it takes to make the Canterbury Crushers the next ‘Top Town’, go to the website for full registration details.

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