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Project City Mall takes a Christmas break

20 November 2008

Work on Project City Mall will take a break from next week so Christmas shoppers can enjoy the new-look mall.


As with last year, current construction will be completed and the mall will be open for public use. The work team will be off-site by 30 November.


Work has progressed quickly since a second construction site was opened in June. West of Colombo Street, the mall project is complete from Ballantynes to Shades Arcade, and on the east side construction has reached from High Street almost as far as Colombo Street.


Project City Mall Director Sean Whitaker says work has been completed slightly ahead of schedule this year. The team is confident they will meet the final 30 November 2009 completion date despite the inclusion of additional work such as laying tram foundations and tracks.


“As well as working as efficiently as possible, we are working closely with retailers in City Mall to ensure they suffer little disruption while work is carried out,” he says.


“Feedback from them and the public has been positive about the new-look mall, which is really starting to take shape.”


Central City Business Association Manager Paul Lonsdale says City Mall is taking on a new lease of life as the renovations are completed.


“Already we can see a big contrast in the new sections of the mall, compared to the tired look of the old mall,” he says.


“It really is shaping up to be a world-class street and I have noticed more people coming in to town to shop, dine out and take-in the Central City atmosphere.”


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