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Transport funding good news for Christchurch

15 May 2008

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker says today’s Government announcement to invest $244 million in transport infrastructure in Canterbury over the next 10 years will accelerate the North Christchurch Transport plan, including the Northern Arterial, Cranford Street and Hills Road.

Mr Parker, who also chairs the Canterbury Mayoral Forum, said the Government’s decision for major investment in Canterbury transport infrastructure secured the future funding of major transport projects for the city including the transport exchange and southern and northern arterials as well as many important walking and cycling projects.

"The Northern arterial may now be able to start in about 2013 rather than the very uncertain 2017 start date, and having just approved our first two bus priority corridors at Council today, we can move forward with confidence on the remainder of our public transport programme," he said.

"We are gaining funding surety for the delivery of the overall transport programme. Without this Government funding there was a significant risk that there would not have been sufficient funding over the 10 years to complete the proposed programme. We may have even have had to drop the North Christchurch package.

"This funding announcement is good news for the whole of Canterbury. We will feel the benefits as a region, and this will reinforce the value of our continued collaboration towards integrated transport and land use planning ."

Mr Parker said the package also recognises the needs of Greater Christchurch. The Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy, a partnership between the Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, the Selwyn and Waimakariri District Councils and Transit, had done a lot hard work on analysing the future transport needs for the sub-region.

"In Canterbury local authorities have demonstrated the ability to work together at a regional and Greater Christchurch level. The Government has now provided the funding which will enable us to deliver as a partnership on the transport infrastructure needed for our region," he said.

"I congratulate the Government and the local Members of Parliament for the important decision to boost funding for Canterbury’s roading infrastructure."

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