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Proposed Public Places Bylaw out for public consultation

14 March 2008

Public consultation opens tomorrow on the Christchurch City Council’s proposed Public Places Bylaw, and will continue until 16 April.

The bylaw continues to provide for controls over commercial activities in public places obstructions in public places, temporarily residing or sleeping in public places, and some aspects of barbed wire and other security fencing adjacent to public places (for public safety reasons).

It combines and simplifies three public places bylaws, two of which related specifically to the former Banks Peninsula District. This is part of a Council review of existing bylaws, updating and refreshing the bylaws to ensure they meet the requirements of the Local Government Act 2002.

The proposed bylaw will continue providing for sensible controlled use of public places that are under the control of the Council.  Commercial activities in public places include market stalls, advertising (including signboards), activities such as busking for money, as well as collecting donations in public places.

Regulatory and Planning Committee chairperson Cr Wells said clauses in the bylaws under review relating to unlawful activities, including graffiti, tagging, and damaging  public places, had been removed from the proposed new bylaw because they are already covered by other laws, such as the Summary Offences Act.  The proposed bylaw controls lawful activities that occur in public places.

The Council has recently set up a Nuisances in Public Places working party to examine what role the Council may take in dealing some of the unlawful anti-social behaviour covered by the Summary Offences and other Acts.  It will report back to the Council by the end of June with recommendations.

Submissions are sought on the proposed bylaw between 15 March and 16 April and can be made through the Council’s Have Your Say website, by post or via email.  More information can be found on the Council’s website, and at all Council service centres and libraries.

  • The Statement of Proposal, which includes the proposed new Public Places Bylaw, is available at all  Council service centres, Council libraries and on the Council’s website
  • Written submissions on the draft Public Places Bylaw should be made either:
    • Through the ‘Have Your Say’ website
    • Emailed to or
    • Mailed to Freepost 178, Public Places Bylaw, Christchurch City Council, PO Box 237, Christchurch.
  • The submission period closes on 16 April 2008.

For more information contact:

Cr Sue Wells, Chairman, Regulatory and Planning Committee, (03) 332 1611 or 027 229 0505  or Terry Moody, Principal Advisor - Environmental Health

Note: Consultation also opens tomorrow on the Banks Peninsula District CouncilNuisances Bylaw 1996. The purpose of the Bylaw was to control various nuisances in the Banks Peninsula District.  Since the problems addressed in the Bylaw can be dealt under the  Health Act 1956, the ResourceManagement Act 1991, or the Building Act 2004, the Council is proposing to revoke it.

Consultation also closes on 16 April.  Copies of the Bylaw can be viewed onThe Council website or at Council Service Centres and libraries.

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