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Trees removed from City Mall

1 February 2008

Three trees were removed this morning from the western end of Hack Circle as work starts again at City Mall.

Preliminary site investigations identified the need to remove the trees, along with seating and brickwork, to allow work to be carried out in the area. The root systems of the trees are embedded in surrounding concrete and would cause significant construction problems.

The decision was made in consultation with arborists, and the trees will be replaced with more appropriate species for the urban environment. The trees, two oaks and a lime tree, were not on the city’s list of protected trees.

Project Director Sean Whitaker says the construction roll-out will see trees retained where possible. The new City Mall design includes an increased number of trees in the pedestrian area.

Work on Stage 1b of Project City Mall started this week with the breaking-up of old tram foundations on High Street. It will include the laying of new tram foundations, utility installation, paving and amenities along High Street, and is expected to reach the Hallensteins building by June. It will also include the removal of the eastern edge of Hack Circle to allow site access and allow vehicles and pedestrians to use the area safely.

Meetings are being held with local retailers every week to explain the work schedule and promote discussion on how construction can be rolled-out with as little disruption to business as possible.

“The top end of High Street looks great and people are enjoying the new amenities. We are keen to push on with the next stage of the project, working with retailers to create an enticing new City Mall,” Mr Whitaker says.

The aim of Project City Mall is to create an exciting public space and a vibrant retail centre that will attract more people into the Central City and boost business for City Mall retailers.


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