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Photography competition seeks special city moments

16 December 2008

A competition to capture on camera a quintessentially Christchurch summertime moment is being launched by the Christchurch City Council.


The winner of the city-wide photo hunt will have their image printed on the cover of Christchurch’s Long-Term Council Community Plan 2009-19 – the flagship document of the Christchurch City Council. The image will also run on the cover of the summary document, which will be distributed to every household in the city.


Our Community Plan sets out what services and projects the Council will carry out over the next 10 years, how much they will cost and where the money will come from. A new plan is produced every three years.


The plan is important for Christchurch residents and this year the Council wants to ensure Christchurch people are involved. The competition is open to everyone; entrants are asked to capture a digital image of a person or people taking part in “a quintessentially Christchurch summertime activity”. You can enter up to three different landscape-style images – more details are available on the entry form.


Christchurch City Council Planning and Performance Manager Peter Ryan says Our Community Plan is all about our city and its residents, and it is important that our people get involved in the process.


“Residents will be asked to have their say on the LTCCP 2009-19 in March next year. We want to hear what you think about our plans for the future and ensure you play a role in the process.


“This plan will describe what sort of city we live in and where we are going, so it's very important to our community. It also paints a picture of Christchurch to the rest of the world, so the image we choose for the front cover sets the tone of the whole plan.


“We are looking for an image that captures what it means to you to live in our great city.”


More details and entry forms are available at Council service centres and libraries, or online at Entries close at 5pm on Thursday, 5 February 2009.


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