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Papanui High students paint out graffiti on Council building

10 December 2008

Papanui High School students painted out tags and graffiti from a Christchurch City Council building on Monday in a programme intended to get students involved in the community.


The building at Papanui Domain, leased to the Scouts Association, is a frequent target for tagging and was becoming an eyesore due to the excessive graffiti on its walls. The Papanui High School borders the Domain.


The graffiti clean-up is part of a larger school-wide programme for the Year9/10 students called ‘Connect 08’, which has a cross-curricula focus that allows the staff and students to trial aspects of the revised NZ Curriculum. Its particular focus is on developing the ‘Key Competencies’, especially managing self, thinking, relating to others, and participating and contributing.


The students who cleaned up the graffiti also spent time at City Mission later that afternoon. The students will also devote time and energy at the Te Koru, Papanui Youth Centre, visiting pre-schools and Rest homes, and in helping an elderly lady with her garden.


“It’s a wonderful opportunity for Council to get work completed and involve the community,” says Tania Moohan, Parks Contract Manager for the Council who provided refreshments for the 10 Year Nine and Ten students as they painted out the tags with grey paint. “We will repaint a fresh mural on the walls soon to brighten up the place.” The previous mural had become lost under the flood of tags, says Mrs Moohan.


The Council has had similar support from Kimihia Adventure Programme, Linwood high, Project K participants and the girl guides during their big Jamboree last January.


Fifteen groups from the school are involved in various other activities as part of the learning programme which focuses on the revised NZ Curriculum and the developing the Key Competencies, says Papanui High Deputy Principal, Mike Vannoort.


“We offered to undertake some work in a local park and it was suggested by Tania that the building be painted in preparation for the mural. The students chose it as one of the several activities they could undertake under the programme,” says Mr Vannoort. He says the activities were designed to aid students in focussing outwardly rather than being self-absorbed.

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