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Pest Fish Found at Travis Wetland

24 April 2008

The recent discovery of a species of non-native potentially invasive fish at Travis Wetland has concerned Council, Department of Conservation (DOC) and Fish & Game  rangers.

Rudd and goldfish have been illegally released into this special wetland area prompting rangers to carry out a survey to determine their extent  of the spread and to develop options for their management and if possible eradication. 

These introduced pest fish have several negative affects on the native species and waterways, including competing with native species for food and places to live. They prey on eggs, juveniles and adults and contribute to poor water quality by feeding on and destroying native aquatic plants.  

Ranger John Skilton says “The waterways of Travis Wetland are home to many species of native fish including; eels, inanga, upland bully and numerous native aquatic invertebrates which are all at risk from these illegal releases. They also jeopardise future plans for the reintroduction of endangered native fish into the wetland.

“Fish and aquatic weeds are very difficult and expensive to eradicate or control which is an added cost ultimately borne by Christchurch rate payers.. 

Rudd are classified as noxious in the Fresh Water Fisheries Regulations, 1983. People who posses, control, rear, hatch, or consign Rudd with out authority are liable to a fine of $5000.  The release of any aquatic species (plant or animal) requires a permit under the Conservation Act, and people are liable for a fine for any  breaching of this act.

Visitors to the wetland can help by reporting unusual fish sightings, suspicious fishing activity or people seen releasing fish into waterways to either the CCC Travis Wetland Ranger phone (941 8999) DOC  (341 9112) or Fish & Game (366 9191). 



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