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Council has no intentions to sell land at Takapuneke

3 July 2007

At a seminar today Councillors discussed a number of legal options to ensure the historic Takapuneke and Green’s Point site in Akaroa will be protected for ever.

Councillor Bob Parker said it was important to put the record straight as recent reports had implied Council was considering options to sell part or all of this historic land for development.

”Those reports were completely untrue and quite misleading,’’ says Cr Parker. “Council was simply seeking the most efficient way to complete the intention of the former Banks Peninsula District Council to preserve in perpetuity the land at Takapuneke Reserve. This land which is as important to this nation as the land around Waitangi where the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.’’

“Today we heard options for the process to achieve these goals. As part of the complicated legal issues surrounding the status of the land, it became necessary to obtain a current valuation of the land. I believe this has been misconstrued by some as an intention by Council to dispose of the land.

“This is definitely not an option,’’ he says. “ The CCC has already affirmed its intention to honour the resolution of the BPDC made prior to the merger.’’

“The meeting today was to discuss finely balanced technical legal issues to find a way to move forward.’’

Council has asked staff as a result of today’s discussion to prepare a report giving guidance on the most expeditious legal process, says Cr Parker.


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