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Council’s Public Affairs Group receives change proposal

9 February 2007

Staff in the Christchurch City Council’s Public Affairs Group were advised yesterday of a proposed new structure of the Group designed to ensure all the units operate more effectively as a shared service.

Acting General Manager David Dally says should the proposal proceed, the Group’s management team would be increased from the current three unit managers to eight, with additional management roles including four Public Affairs Relationship Managers and a Manager of Civic and International Relations.

Mr Dally says a key feature is the proposed  establishment of a team within the Communication and Consultation Unit which would be responsible for overall management of the Council’s consultation policy and  guidelines, to ensure consistency and coordination of all Council consultations.

The proposal would see a small increase in overall staff numbers, with some positions proposed for disestablishment and new positions created. Five full-time positions would be disestablished, with the reductions to part-time staff being managed by attrition.

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