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Councillors approve new trial of Hills Road Bus Boarders scheme

19 April 2007

Councillors approve new trial of Hills Road Bus Boarders scheme

Councillors approved a further three-month trial of the Hills Road bus boarders scheme at a meeting today.

The scheme, which is part of a nation-wide strategy for encouraging more efficient bus travel, was originally trialled last November. It was subsequently suspended while further amendments to the original plan to enhance the bus boarder scheme were being drawn up.

The two Bus Boarders in Hills Road allowed buses to stop for passengers to alight and board without having to pull over. Cars then stopped behind the bus and were unable to overtake, allowing the bus to continue in the stream of traffic.

Councillor Sue Wells says "We learned something from the first trial which can help make improvements to the scheme. Bus boarders are an important tool in our tool kit for improving bus transport within the city and the only effective way of testing them is on the ground.’’

Councillor Sally Buck says continuing the bus boarder trial is important because it aligns with all Council transport strategies.

"As a Council we have signed off on a transport strategy and if we really want to make progress, we have to look at all measures to implement this. It’s all about re-educating the public and getting them to accept ways to get buses to arrive on time.

"Bus boarders are one of several bus priority measures and are a lot less problematic than some solutions as they retain parking and can also incorporate cycle lanes,’’ she says.

Transport and Greenspace Manager Michael Aitken says "It is good to see Council taking a leadership role on this issue. Councillors have agreed on the ultimate outcome of the transport strategy and this is one of the tools to get there.’’

Council staff will now begin consultation and undertake the design and construction of the new bus boarders.

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