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Council lobbies for share of Transit budget

10 April 2007

Council lobbies for fair share of Transit funding

The Christchurch City Council is urging Transit New Zealand to ensure Christchurch’s needs are not overlooked in the rush to solve Auckland and Wellington’s transport woes.

In its submission on Transit NZ’s draft 2007/08 Land Transport Programme and 10 Year Financial plan, the Council is lobbying for greater urgency to be given to Christchurch roading projects.

It is asking Transit to adopt the council’s philosophy that prevention is better than cure.

“The urgent demands in Auckland and Wellington should not unnecessarily detract from our ability to continue with good planning and implementation,’’ Council says in its submission.

“The ongoing low level of activity and delivery of transport system improvements in Christchurch is creating an infrastructure deficit (or lag) in the State Highway system, which the remainder of the Christchurch transport system is having to unnecessarily cope with,’’ Council says in its submission.

Council says its most significant concern is the continual deferral of the small number of large projects that are considered of vital importance to the city.

It is asking Transit to:Keep the Southern Motorway as the number one priority for Christchurch and put the project in place as soon as possible and give higher priority to cycling and walking improvement projects.

Councillor Bob Shearing says  in comparison to the money being spent in Wellington  and Auckland, Christchurch’s transport needs are relatively minor.

“Two hundred to 300 million would go a long way in giving us an efficient roading system for the next 10 to 15 years, Mr Shearing says.

“I fully support the submission and urge Transit New Zealand to urgently support Canterbury and Christchurch transport issues.’’


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