Have your say on the future of QEII Park
2 June 2005
Christchurch City Council wants your views on its proposed concept plan for QEII Park, designed to help protect the character of the Park as it faces change over the coming years.
The draft QEII Park concept plan is designed to help the Council make sound and sustainable decisions when it considers proposals for new developments. Rather than setting out what will happen in the Park, the plan is designed to anticipate what could happen. This includes defining areas of possible future building, protecting the Park’s main open spaces, setting aside a larger area for community activities, and giving greater focus to cyclists, pedestrians and public transport.
When QEII Park was built, it was designed with future extensions of its facilities in mind. Since it opened in November 1973, the Park has seen many changes including the development of a golf course, the growth and demise of the fun park and its rollercoaster, and a $20 million upgrade of its aquatic facilities.
Today, QEII Park is also home to an indoor sports hall, fitness centre, Olympic weight-lifting gym, squash, sports medical centre, and a clinical massage unit. The new Southern Centre provides a multi-sensory recreation experience for people with disabilities. QEII Park’s outdoor areas are used for sports such as golf, soccer and cricket, events like the recent touch rugby tournament, as well as catering for general recreational use.
Over the next 10 years and beyond, the Park is likely to see further change and improvements to its sport, recreation and community facilities, which may include developments such as an Ice Arena. To make sure future changes enhance the shape and character of the Park, the Council wants your comments on the draft QEII Park concept plan.
Has the Council got the QEII plan right? Have your say and make suggestions by picking up a brochure from Council offices or libraries, or at www.ccc.govt.nz/haveyoursay. Submissions close on Friday 8 July 2005.
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