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Councils plan for possible re-organisation

8 July 2005

A joint committee of the Banks Peninsula District Council and Christchurch City Council met today to discuss issues around the proposed re-organisation scheme for including Banks Peninsula in Christchurch city.

Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore said "we do not want to pre-empt the poll of Banks Peninsula residents but we all recognise the good sense it makes to start building relationships with each other and begin joint planning for the possibility that the poll result is yes."

The meeting that included Councillors and senior staff from both organisations decided on the drafting of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Councils. The group also agreed on the importance of communicating with all residents about progress around key areas of interest, especially the Long Term Community Plans of both Councils.

Banks Peninsula Mayor Bob Parker said, "it’s important for Banks Peninsula residents to know that, should they vote to abolish BPDC, both Councils are taking a proactive stance and that the city is preparing to incorporate Peninsula concerns into any future planning."

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