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Christchurch City Council endorses adoption of Banks Peninsula

9 September 2004

Christchurch City councillors and the Mayor, Garry Moore, today appeared before the Local Government Commission (LGC) to reiterate the Council’s support for a scheme which could result in the Banks Peninsula district becoming part of the city territory.

The elected members’ submission to the LGC, which was sitting in Christchurch, was based on a seven-point decision made by the City Council at its meeting on 22 April this year, with one change; namely that the City Council would support the former district council area being represented by two community boards.

“The decision in April to go for a single community board was based on information we had at the time which we believed was what was wanted by those proposing the change,” Mr Moore says. “The August Council meeting discussed it again and decided there was no problem with us supporting two boards, if that’s what the LGC believes is the best solution.”

The City Council’s 22 April 2004 decision on the reorganisation proposal for the Banks Peninsula District Council is:
1. That the Christchurch City Council (CCC) actively support the reorganisation proposal filed with the LGC for Banks Peninsula District Council (BPDC) to become part of Christchurch City.
2. That the CCC support this reorganisation proposal on the basis that it is for the abolition of Banks Peninsula District and its inclusion with Christchurch City, recognising that this means that a binding poll will only be held in Banks Peninsula District on the reorganisation proposal.
3. That there be one additional ward for the whole of the current Banks Peninsula District electing one councillor to the CCC.
4. That there be one community board established for the peninsula, comprising seven elected members and one appointed member (eight members in total).
5. That the LGC be advised that the City Council would be willing to confer the same delegations on the Banks Peninsula Community Board as it confers on the city community boards.
6. That the City Council enter into discussions with the Selwyn District Council and the BPDC regarding the new boundaries between Banks Peninsula District, Selwyn District and Christchurch City.
7. That the Council in practical terms support the “ring-fencing” of the levels of service for Banks Peninsula District for a period of up to five years commencing on the date of the Order in Council giving effect to any reorganisation proposal.

● The proposal to abolish Banks Peninsula District and include it in Christchurch City was initiated by a petition of Banks Peninsula District electors in November 2003. More information about it is on the LGC website under Current Proposals, at!OpenDocument


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